[Live-demo] Fwd: [SpatiaLite-Users] Re: Spatialite database on OSGeo Live DVD
Cameron Shorter
cameron.shorter at gmail.com
Fri Feb 17 11:54:59 PST 2012
Can you please CC my response to the spatialite list.
Micha and Spatialite users,
Firstly, thank you for contributing spatialite to osgeolive.
Re Datasets: We have run out of room on the OSGeo-Live DVD, so anything
we add requires us to take something else off. Consequently, we
strongly encourage all applications to make use of the existing common
datasets already installed on OSGeoLive. These are explained here:
and marketing descriptions are here:
In answer to some of the questions of "why?". It is a great marketing
tool. Docs are translated into 5 languages, and the next release of
OSGeo-Live DVD and associated lightening overview will be
presented/handed out at 10 international conferences in the following 6
month period (before our next release).
With regards to who we are targeting: Our target audience are new users
- maybe techies with minimal GIS experience, or GIS people with minimal
tech experience, who want to quickly find out what is available in the
Open Source GIS space.
On 17/02/12 21:29, Micha Silver wrote:
> (cc'ed from the Spaialite-users maillist...)
> On Feb 17, 10:09 am, Jukka Rahkonen <jukka.rahko... at latuviitta.fi> wrote:
> > On 17 helmi, 09:40, Brad Hards <br... at frogmouth.net> wrote:
> >
> > > On Friday 17 February 2012 08:06:34 Micha wrote:> 0- Before I
> re-invent the wheel, is there any other ready to use
> > > > spatialite DB with some "tasty" tables which can be freely
> downloaded
> > > > for use on the LiveDVD?
> >
> > > You've asked this question before, and I think perhaps you didn't
> get the
> > > answers you were looking for because the question is a bit too
> vague. Why are
> > > you including sample data? That is, what is the sample data meant
> to be used
> > > for? Demos? Training? Something else?
> Yes, I guess I left a bit too much to readers imagination...
> >
> > > There is data on the spatialite website, and I'm sure there are
> other sources,
> > > or you could create your own (e.g. importing a shapefile). It all
> depends on
> > > what you need the data for.
> >
> > LiveDVD is a fine way for Open source GIS projects for advertising
> > about their existence and capacities. LiveDVD maintainer cannot master
> > all the softwares so it is up to the projects to make the package. If
> > we want that a newcomer would get interested in Spatialite then it is
> > essential to have some valid and interesting demo data included. I do
> > not know if, for example, those Spatialite 2.4 demo datasets should be
> > updated to 3.0 for giving a better experience. Quantum GIS is also
> > included in LiveDVD so it would be bad to include such Spatialite demo
> > data that could not be opened with QGis. QGis users will be able to
> > see also the spatial views from the database if they are registered
> > correctly so such things might be good to have in the demo data. They
> > do not increase the size of the database but they could make it look
> > much more interesting. A single shapefile imported into Spatialite
> > does not look so much different than the original one.
> >
> > -Jukka Rahkonen-
> >
> >
> Hi Brad:
> Jukka explained very well. Each of the projects on the LiveDVD
> includes a "quickstart" document explaining the basic operations of
> the application. For that each supplies some demo data. The tables in
> the samples.tar.gz seem to be fine for this, but spread among three
> DB's with duplication a bit of wasted disk space. Those are the only
> issues I want to address.
> >
> > > > 1- Are the data in the samples.tar.gz freely redistibutable?
> > > > 2- Is there any limitation to reorganizing the tables from those
> three
> > > > original sqlite files into one?
> > > > 3- Would the spatialite devs want to host this single, consolidated
> > > > sqlite DB (~3MB zipped) along side the samples.tar.gz
> >
> > > I don't have answeres to any of these questions, but you should
> not expect an
> > > answer from Sandro for at least a few days.
> OK, thanks
> >
> > > Brad
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Cameron Shorter
Geospatial Solutions Manager
Tel: +61 (0)2 8570 5050
Mob: +61 (0)419 142 254
Think Globally, Fix Locally
Geospatial Solutions enhanced with Open Standards and Open Source
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