[Live-demo] Re: Issue for Deegree

Hamish hamish_b at yahoo.com
Sat Feb 25 15:01:16 PST 2012

Cameron wrote:
> I understand that you have identified issues with deegree,

well, I couldn't get the Utah data to load up, but I didn't follow the
(wiki) quickstart closely and so it could have been me doing something
wrong. The web app loads and does stuff. My main point is that deegree
should be a focus for special testing, especially as we make after-market
mods to the install to fix the colliding tomcat port numbers.

In the end, upstream authors need to be involved and responsible for
certifying that their apps work in the final RC builds, for one thing
they know what the expected behaviour is, and for another it distributes
the testing burden over a wider audience. Of course random power users
with fresh eyes are also great for pointing out obvious-in-hindsight
omissions from the quickstarts. (if they bother to read the instructions,
that is, which I didn't ;)


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