[Live-demo] pycsw in OSGeo Live.

Tom Kralidis tomkralidis at hotmail.com
Sun Jan 29 15:33:17 PST 2012

> Date: Sun, 29 Jan 2012 15:03:58 -0800
> From: hamish_b at yahoo.com
> Subject: Re: [Live-demo] pycsw in OSGeo Live.
> To: live-demo at lists.osgeo.org; tech at wildintellect.com
> CC: 
> Alex wrote:
> > since we are using NaturalEarth data and the
> > GRASS North Carolina dataset.
> [For the benefit of it's wider adoption..]
> n.b. technically it is the OSGeo Educational North
> Carolina dataset, not the "GRASS" one, which is a
> slightly different creature that has been post-
> processed and massaged into a native GRASS project.
> (the same relationship is true for DebianGIS which
> grew out of the pkg-grass project's infrastructure;
> things get a little confusing if you pay too much
> attention to the historic server names in the URLs)
> > Would be interesting to generate on the fly OSM
> > metadata as we install that on the disk too (only
> > the bounding box changes occasionally).
> n.b. the OSM "points of interest" sqlite DB for
> Denver is now available on the disc. (it was
> missing on the 5.0 release)

Is this in svn trunk?  Can you point me to the sqlite DB to take a look?


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