[Live-demo] New projects? geoext, hale ...

Cameron Shorter cameron.shorter at gmail.com
Sun Dec 22 03:24:36 PST 2013

Hi Johan,
The process for adding a project to OSGeo-Live is explained here:

In particular, how does each project match up against our questions:

GeoExt probably doesn't apply based upon it being a library (we make 
exceptions for OSGeo graduated libraries).

You might want to test to see how Hale compares against the selection 

On 20/12/13 22:56, Johan Van de Wauw wrote:
> I've recently started using some cool open source tools which I belive
> would fit very well on the live dvd:
> Geoext: well not really missing since  mapfish, geoexplorer, geonode,
> geonetwork and perhaps others are using it, but it would perhaps be
> nice to have an own overview and quickstart. It is a javascript
> library so packaging is not really an issue.
> It is a library so not an end-user application - not sure if that woutld fit.
> http://geoext.org/
> Hale: Perhaps less well known, but definitely of interest in Europe.
> Hale is a tool for defining and evaluating conceptual schema mappings.
> It is one of the only tools I know which will create data in complex
> gml schemas, such as the ones that are part of INSPIRE.It is a java
> project and runs on ubuntu, but we should check whether it also works
> well with openjdk (I've not tested that).
> http://community.esdi-humboldt.eu/projects/hale
> Perhaps not on this live dvd, but for the next release I think we
> should also add more nodejs based libraries/programs such as topojson.
> For now it may be a lot of work to backport all dependencies.
> Johan
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Cameron Shorter,
Software and Data Solutions Manager
Suite 112, Jones Bay Wharf,
26 - 32 Pirrama Rd, Pyrmont NSW 2009

P +61 2 9009 5000,  W www.lisasoft.com,  F +61 2 9009 5099

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