[Live-demo] Review of the eoxserver

Stephan Meißl stephan at meissl.name
Mon Jan 7 09:28:03 PST 2013


I just realized that there might be some issues because of the automatic
usage of SVN revisions in the translation status tracking page [1]. For
EOxServer I had to touch all translations and adjust the image links
because I corrected them to png. Thus, in the status page all
translations appear as updated which they aren't. Am I missing some
other tracking page?


[1] http://adhoc.osgeo.osuosl.org/livedvd/translation_status.html

On 12/28/2012 08:54 PM, Cameron Shorter wrote:
> Thanks Stephen,
> The Project Overview looks good. I agree that it is at final status for
> 6.5 and ready for translation. I notice that you opened a ticket to
> translate the docs. I'm going to close it as we don't track our
> translation status in our issue tracker. Instead we track it the status
> page linked from here:
> http://wiki.osgeo.org/wiki/Live_GIS_Disc#Translate
> On 29/12/12 03:55, Stephan Meißl wrote:
>> Cameron,
>> thanks for your comments and sorry for my late response. Finally I found
>> some time and updated the EOxServer documentation (r9514). I'd consider
>> them final for 6.5 but please let me know any comments.
>> Happy holidays,
>> Stephan
>> On 12/06/2012 10:42 PM, Cameron Shorter wrote:
>>> Thanks Stephan,
>>> I've added some minor tweaks. In particular, I've removed links to docs
>>> as this is not part of the template. (People can find docs by going to
>>> the project's website).
>>> http://trac.osgeo.org/osgeo/changeset?new=9363%40livedvd%2Fgisvm%2Ftrunk%2Fdoc%2Fen%2Foverview%2Feoxserver_overview.rst&old=9360%40livedvd%2Fgisvm%2Ftrunk%2Fdoc%2Fen%2Foverview%2Feoxserver_overview.rst
>>> Can you please also have a look at your Quickstart docs. At the very
>>> least, you should be able to remove the first step for installing
>>> eoxserver.
>>> On 06/12/12 20:26, Stephan Meißl wrote:
>>>> Cameron,
>>>> actually a good question, guess I'm to much into details and blind for
>>>> the obvious :) I extended the paragraph to read:
>>>> Earth Observation data currently supported is 2D raster data generally
>>>> acquired using sensors on satellites or aircrafts and including
>>>> information about the time of acquisition and the footprint on planet
>>>> Earth. It is typically used to monitor Earth's natural and built
>>>> environment.
>>>> Thanks,
>>>> Stephan
>>>> On 12/05/2012 10:20 PM, Cameron Shorter wrote:
>>>>> Thanks Stephan,
>>>>> I'll go through the text in the next few days.
>>>>> I think I only have one outstanding question:
>>>>> I'd like to get a better handle on what in included when you are
>>>>> talking
>>>>> about Earth Observation data.
>>>>> Is it typically stored as raster images, or vector, or
>>>>> multidimentional
>>>>> data such as netcdf?
>>>>> Are you referring primarily to satellite images, or does the
>>>>> monitoring
>>>>> of water levels in a stream (stored in an excel spreadsheet) also get
>>>>> included?
>>>>> On 6/12/2012 2:19 AM, Stephan Meißl wrote:
>>>>>> On 11/22/2012 11:20 PM, Cameron Shorter wrote:
>>>>>>> Stephan,
>>>>>>> I've reviewed the eoxserver Project Overview, and added comments
>>>>>>> into
>>>>>>> the RST.
>>>>>>> Could you please look over my suggested changes and make sure they
>>>>>>> make
>>>>>>> sense.
>>>>>>> Also have a look at the comments. Any questions, please ask.
>>>>>>> Let me know when you are done and I'll go over the doc again.
>>>>>>> http://trac.osgeo.org/osgeo/changeset?new=9290%40livedvd%2Fgisvm%2Ftrunk%2Fdoc%2Fen%2Foverview%2Feoxserver_overview.rst&old=8659%40livedvd%2Fgisvm%2Ftrunk%2Fdoc%2Fen%2Foverview%2Feoxserver_overview.rst
>>>>>> Cameron,
>>>>>> sorry for my late reply and many thanks for your thorough review.
>>>>>> Finally I found some time to go over your comments [1].
>>>>>> Many thanks again,
>>>>>> Stephan
>>>>>> [1]
>>>>>> http://trac.osgeo.org/osgeo/changeset/9340/livedvd/gisvm/trunk/doc/en/overview/eoxserver_overview.rst

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