[Live-demo] Issues with libgdal1 / php5-gdal

Angelos Tzotsos gcpp.kalxas at gmail.com
Mon Jul 15 11:10:44 PDT 2013

Hi Patric,

Thanks for the feedback.

The nightly build 10375 is now up [1] to test your latest fixes. I am 
having a look right now.

Regarding the php5-gdal issue, yes, can you please re-enable it so I can 
trigger a new build?


On 07/15/2013 07:45 PM, Patric Hafner | geOps wrote:
> Hi folks,
> in the last couple of days we had some issues with the volatile libgdal1
> package. I have not understand completely what happened, but
> unfortunately the installation of our package php5-gdal which offers PHP
> bindings to the GDAL library has caused the removal of other important
> packages [http://trac.osgeo.org/osgeo/ticket/1158] and I want to
> apologize for the troubles caused by us. The package is used by Cartaro
> and enables some nice features like import of geodata.
> The installation of php5-gdal is currently disabled, but we would like
> to re-enable it.
> My question is now, how could we do this, without breaking things again?
> If install php5-gdal on a nightly-build (tested on the latest), it works
> fine and all dependencies are fulfilled. So maybe due to fixes of
> libgdal1 in the last days there is no problem anymore - but I can not
> promise it.
> If it is okay, I would like to re-enable the installation of php5-gdal
> for the next nightly build and see what happens.
> [The package php5-gdal was build on 32 bit Ubuntu precise environment,
> exactly the same as the live dvd. Installation on Ubuntu environments
> without Ubuntu GIS Unstable repo are always successful]
> Thoughts?
> Best regards,
> Patric

Angelos Tzotsos
Remote Sensing Laboratory
National Technical University of Athens

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