[Live-demo] Issues with libgdal1 / php5-gdal

Patric Hafner | geOps patric.hafner at geops.de
Mon Jul 15 12:27:17 PDT 2013

Hi Angelos,
Hi Jérôme,

On 15.07.2013 20:10, Angelos Tzotsos wrote:

> Regarding the php5-gdal issue, yes, can you please re-enable it so I can
> trigger a new build?

Activated since rev10379. (Line 85 of install_cartaro.sh, just comment 
it out it if fails again)

On 15.07.2013 20:22, Jerome Villeneuve Larouche wrote:

 > Long story short for GDAL, is that in the 1.10.0 update the libgdal1
 > package has been removed and replaced with libgdal1h which conflicts
 > with libgdal1. So if php5-gdal has been built against an older version
 > of GDAL, and then depends on libgdal1 it will conflict with all the
 > packages depending on the new libgdal1h and dpkg removes them.

Thanks a lot for your explanation!

 > I suggest you rebuild the php5-gdal using the UbuntuGIS repo since many
 > packages used in OSGeoLive come from there. You could even ask for
 > access to the repository in the UbuntuGIS mailing list
 > (http://lists.osgeo.org/mailman/listinfo/ubuntu) and upload your
 > packages there.

I will do this, if the new tests fails. But anyway, it is a good idea to 
ask for access to repository.

Best regards,

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