[Live-demo] [deegree-users] deegree webservices 3.2.0 released

Markus Schneider schneider at occamlabs.de
Sun Mar 31 13:07:18 PDT 2013

Hi Cameron,

see comments inline.

Am 30.03.2013 21:09, schrieb Cameron Shorter:
> Our primary drivers for OSGeo-Live is as an introduction to Geospatial
> Open Source applications, although that is now expanding as people use
> OSGeoLive for workshops.
> Also, OSGeo-Live is space constrained, so if we are to add a new
> dataset, it should be relatively small, and should be useful for
> multiple projects, (as well as being available under an open license
> such as Creative Commons).
> For the quickstart, I'd suggest that you stick to the core simple use
> case which Deegree is being used for. Unless your core use case is
> serving complex schema data, then it probably isn't a candidate for the
> quickstart? Alternatively, if you are using OSGeo-Live within workshops
> for Deegree, then we may consider introducing a complex schema dataset.
> I'm aware that GeoServer also supports complex schemas, so I'd want to
> ensure that the GeoServer community can make use of the dataset too.
> So, key questions:
> 1. Is the complex schema use case the core 10 min use case you'd want to
> present for Deegree's quickstart?

Personally, I would favor that. However, I have to discuss this with the
rest of the deegree project. We'll get back to you.

> 2. Are you using OSGeo-Live for workshops, and want a complex schema
> dataset to demo functionality?

Well, I guess we would like to do that in the future. I submitted a
proposal for a FOSS4G workshop that could well use an INSPIRE dataset:


BTW, the dataset would be complete standards-based (compliant INSPIRE
dataset encoded in GML 3.2), so any software with support for rich
application schemas and processing rich datasets should be able to make
use of it.

> 3. Can you source a small, open, complex schema dataset, preferably
> covering an Area of Interest already included in existing OSGeo-Live
> example datasets?

I have to check back here as well. Maybe we can derive INSPIRE datasets
from (subsets of) the OSGeo-Live example datasets? Where can I find an
overview on the example datasets?

Best regards,

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