[Live-demo] information about gdal

Angelo Paone angelo.paone1 at gmail.com
Thu May 2 19:50:15 PDT 2013

Dear all,

I am using osgeo-live 6.5 with the virtual box on windows 7, I am trying to
install the last version of a 'Geophysical Mass Flow Numerical Code' called
titan-3.0.0 from Buffallo Uniuversity (http://www.gmfg.buffalo.edu/) on
Xubuntu Linux in osgeo-live. I have maneged to install the previus patched
version titan-.2.0.1. When I tried to install the last version with two
different kinds of commands:
a) $ ./configure CXX=mpicxx CC=mpicc CPPFLAGS=DOMPI_IGNORE_CXX_SEEK
$ make
$ make install
b) sh install-titan.sh
 For both installation I have a problem with a file called GdalApi.cc. I
attach the error in the installation with a notepad file. I thought was
because I did not have Gdal installed on osgeo-live but this is not correct
because osgeo-live has Gdal in it as you, people can tell me.
I hope that someone can suggest me some way out of this problem. and if the
problem is because of Gdal??
I wish to hear from you as soon as possible
Best Wishes
Angelo Paone

Angelo Paone
Research Professor
Post-Doctoral Research Fellow
Marie Curie Fellow
PhD, MSc, BSc
Pusan Natioanl University
Department of Earth Science
30, Jangjeon-dong, Geumjeong-gu
Busan, Republic of Korea
Tel. +82-51-510-2987
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