[Live-demo] Fwd: Re: pynb desktop icon

maplabs at light42.com maplabs at light42.com
Wed Aug 13 12:23:04 PDT 2014

----- Forwarded message from Thomas Kluyver  -----

Sure - as far as I know, there's no standardised mimetype for IPython notebooks, and it's really not clear what it should be called, but it would be best if we can agree on it. I'll raise it in the dev meeting tomorrow. 

On 12 August 2014 10:29,   wrote:

      Thomas - I have no clue about any MIME type standard, so I sent this email to the IPython team (you!) for clarification !
lets figure something out.. we have a very capable guy who is trying things, so I suspect we can find something good. 
This disk does go to quite a few people who pay attention, so I humbly suggest this is an opportunity for IPython to set a standard or two with the MIME type and desktop things..   thanks!  -Brian

On Tue, 12 Aug 2014 10:17:35 -0700, Thomas Kluyver wrote:

      It looks like that would mean trying to open notebooks in the Qt console, which wouldn't work. 

Incidentally, I use the mimetype text/x-ipynb for notebooks in nbopen (https://github.com/takluyver/nbopen ), but I just made it up myself. Is application/x-ipythonnotebook established, or just something your project picked?


On 12 August 2014 09:15,  wrote:

      Hi Thomas -

  we are getting close to freeze time for release 8.0 based on LUbuntu 14.04
Hamish_B in New Zealand checked this in .. thoughts ?

dbb at xps-8300:/home/shared/osgeo_svn_livedvd$ svn diff -r prev gisvm/trunk/bin/install_desktop.shIndex: gisvm/trunk/bin/install_desktop.sh
--- gisvm/trunk/bin/install_desktop.sh (revision 11831)
+++ gisvm/trunk/bin/install_desktop.sh (working copy)
@@ -249,8 +249,9 @@
 # ipython notebooks
 echo -e "application/x-ipythonnotebook\t\t\t\tipynb" >> \
-#echo "application/x-ipythonnotebook=???.desktop" >> \
-#   /etc/xdg/lubuntu/applications/default.list
+# erhm.. 
+echo "application/x-ipythonnotebook=ipython-qtconsole.desktop" >> \
+   /etc/xdg/lubuntu/applications/default.list  

echo -e "application/x-mbtiles+sql\t\t\t\tmbtiles" >> \

Brian M Hamlin
OSGeo California Chapter

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