[Live-demo] Report 6 - Integration of geospatial OSS in educational notebooks

epi massimodisasha at gmail.com
Sun Jul 5 17:37:09 PDT 2015

Please find attached my report for week#6

https://github.com/epifanio/IPython_notebooks/blob/master/OSGeo-live/osgeolive-gsoc-2015/Report/Weekly%20report%206.ipynb <https://github.com/epifanio/IPython_notebooks/blob/master/OSGeo-live/osgeolive-gsoc-2015/Report/Weekly%20report%206.ipynb>

Integration of geospatial OSS in educational notebooks <https://render.githubusercontent.com/view/ipynb?commit=853e478e115e32dfdb3f10cfa602745915afd57c&nwo=epifanio%2FIPython_notebooks&path=OSGeo-live%2Fosgeolive-gsoc-2015%2FReport%2FWeekly+report+6.ipynb&url=https%3A%2F%2Fraw.githubusercontent.com%2Fepifanio%2FIPython_notebooks%2F853e478e115e32dfdb3f10cfa602745915afd57c%2FOSGeo-live%2Fosgeolive-gsoc-2015%2FReport%2FWeekly%2520report%25206.ipynb#Integration-of-geospatial-OSS-in-educational-notebooks>
Week 6 report <https://render.githubusercontent.com/view/ipynb?commit=853e478e115e32dfdb3f10cfa602745915afd57c&nwo=epifanio%2FIPython_notebooks&path=OSGeo-live%2Fosgeolive-gsoc-2015%2FReport%2FWeekly+report+6.ipynb&url=https%3A%2F%2Fraw.githubusercontent.com%2Fepifanio%2FIPython_notebooks%2F853e478e115e32dfdb3f10cfa602745915afd57c%2FOSGeo-live%2Fosgeolive-gsoc-2015%2FReport%2FWeekly%2520report%25206.ipynb#Week-6-report>
What have I completed this week?
set up a new working environment for dual arch VM's (32 + 64 bit)
I'm now using 2 VM's (32 & 64 bit) keeped in a "clean status" as "mothers" to build "VM clones" for the development and testing of debian packages.
development of new debian packages for the Jupyter Notebook. debs stored on osgeo download <http://download.osgeo.org/livedvd/data/ipython/debs/Jupyter-debs/>
rebuild the ossim debian package for 64 bit arch <http://download.osgeo.org/livedvd/data/ossim/ossim_1.8.18_amd64.deb> (osgeolive install script needs to be adapted for the new package, I still have to finish the 32 bit version)
Built a skeleton for the sphinx documentation to include the notebooks as source.
Sphinx and IPython notebook can be easly integrate, see example here <http://sphinx-ipynb.readthedocs.org/en/latest/howto.html> The notebook can be converted as .rst and used as input for sphinx. This will help the harmonization between notebooks and the actual osgeo-live documentation which is already in .rst format. (Next step will be to use the sphinx doc to build a tutorial on how to use the notebook to build new documentation, ideally the full osgeolive documentation can be built using this approach)
identify which part of GISandT_Body_of_knowledge <http://downloads2.esri.com/edcomm2007/bok/GISandT_Body_of_knowledge.pdf> can be implemented as notebooks.
What am I going to achieve next week?
complete the first set of notebooks dedicated to "Access to geospatial data" (I had to give the priority to packaging and sphinx documentation)
work on the sphinx doc structure replicating the style of osgeolive doc and use notebooks.rst as input The aim is to build a tutorial on how to use a notebook to build osgeolive documentation. The tutorial can be then used as template for other develoipers interested in building osgeo-live documentation using this approach and facilitate the integration of the notebook in the osgeolive doc-build process
start to work on the Numerical Cartography notebooks
finish ossim packaging for 32 bit and update install script for both architectures.
Are there any blocking issue?
The debian packaging and the build of the new development environment has been a very time (and resources) consuming task. ... It has been a very stressful week but hopefully I left the main obstacles behind.

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