[Live-demo] Submit New Project - MapIgniter2

Marco Afonso mafonso333 at gmail.com
Wed Nov 25 11:39:56 PST 2015

Hello Alex,

Thank you for your reply.

Follows the MapIgniter application request to integrate OSGeo Live. As we
can see, this is a very recent project but with very good technological
background to evolve and specially satisfy user needs.
I hope it can be accepted. If work has to be done, I'm on it!


*Please describe your application.What is its name?*
It's name is MapIgniter2. The name came from previous release, where it was
based on CodeIgniter PHP framework.

*What is the home page URL?*
The project's home is hosted on GitHub at

*Which OSI approved Open Source Licence is used?*
It uses the MIT license.

*What does the application do and how does it add value to the GeoSpatial
stack of software?*
MapIgniter is a GeoCMS which combines web mapping features with Content
Management System (CMS) features. It is a browser-based software, or more
commonly refered as a web application. The main purpose of this software is
to let users publish Geographic Information on the Internet / Intranet on a
free and Open Source platform. Considering that there are other Open Source
web mapping platforms, MapIgniter distinguishes it self, and adds value to
GeoSpatial stack software, by being powered by cutting edge Javascript and
PHP frameworks/libraries, providing the best tools for creating modern web

*Does the application make use of OGC standards? Which versions of the
standards? Client or server? You may wish to add comments about how
standards are used.*
This software makes use of a subset of OGC standards; currently WMS and
WFS. Specific version numbers can be configured by the user. MapIgniter
backoffice interface allows to configure these OGC service parameters to be
used by OpenLayers 3 (frontend web mapping library).

*What language is it written in?*
The default interface language is English. Also includes Portuguese
language files. Any idiom can be added later. This is a feature of the PHP
Laravel Architecture which is the PHP Framework that powers this software.

*Which version of the application should be included in the next OSGeo-Live
MapIgniter2 targets release 1.0 for the next release of OSGeo-Live.

*Stability is very important to us on OSGeo-Live. If a new user finds a bug
in one application, it will tarnish the reputation of all other OSGeo-Live
applications as well. (We pay most attention to the following answers):If
risk adverse organisations have deployed your application into production,
it would imply that these organisations have verified the stability of your
software. Has the application been rolled out to production into risk
(ideally risk adverse) organisations? Please mention some of these
The number of organisations using MapIgniter2 is unknown. Mainly because
this is a very recent software. Although, being MapIgniter built upon
Laravel 5.1 and OpenLayers 3, these two frameworks have proven it's success
in web development applications it's usage by a number of companies.

Please see
Laravel Jobs https://larajobs.com/?partner=5#/
Openlayers Sponsors http://openlayers.org/sponsors.html

*Open HUB provides metrics to help assess the health of a project. Eg:
<http://adhoc.osgeo.osuosl.org/livedvd/docs/en/metrics.html> Could you
please ensure that your project is registered with Open HUB, and Open HUB
has been updated to reference the correct code repository(s) for your
project. What is the Open HUB URL for your project?*
The Open Hub URL is https://www.openhub.net/p/mapigniter2

*What is the size of the user community? You can often answer this by
mentioning downloads, or describing a healthy, busy email list?*
MapIgniter2 has no community yet. The previous release has 10 forks on
GitHub, 19 starred and 9 people watching the repository. The Google groups
has been some activity since 2012 until April 2015 from several users.

*What is the size of your developer community?*
Currently there is one developer.

*Do you have a bug free, stable release?*
Not yet.

*Please discuss the level of testing that your project has gone through.*
There will be automated tests in soon.

*How long has the project has had mature code.*
The project is very recent.

*OSGeo-Live is targeted at applications that people can use rather than
libraries. Does the application have a user interface (possibly a command
line interface) that a user can interact with? (We do make an exception for
Incubated OSGeo Libraries, and will include Project Overviews for these
libraries, even if they don't have a user interface.)*
Yes the software works on a web browser interface.

*We give preference to OSGeo Incubated Projects, or Projects which are
presented at FOSS4G conferences. If your project is involved in OSGeo
Incubation, or has been selected to be presented at FOSS4G, then please
mention it.*
Previous release of MapIgniter was presented to the OSGeo Portuguese
community on the 16th November 2012.

Please see

*With around 50 applications installed on OSGeo-Live, us core packagers do
not have the time to liaise with every single project email list for each
OSGeo-Live release. So we require a volunteer (or two) to take
responsibility for liaising between OSGeo-Live and the project's
communities. This volunteer will be responsible for ensuring the install
scripts and English documentation are updated by someone for each
OSGeo-Live release. Also test that the installed application and Quickstart
documentation works as expected on release candidate releases of
OSGeo-Live. Who will act as the project's liaison person.*

*OSGeo-Live is Ubuntu Linux based. Our installation preference is:Install
from UbuntuGIS or DebianGISInstall .deb files from a PPAWrite a custom
install scriptCan you please discuss how your application will be
*MapIgniter is a web mapping application based on PHP Laravel 5.1
Framework. Laravel framework runs over Apache2 or Nginx web servers.
MapIgniter system requirements matches Laravel 5.1 requirements.*
MapIgniter install procedure is similar to Laravel install procedure. It
can be manually installed by using the instructions documented in
MapIgniter GitHub repository. Also, there is an install script (linux) that
automates the install process. Just enter onto Apache public folder and run
from shell curl
| sudo sh

Please see
Laravel Documentation http://laravel.com/docs/5.1
Install script

*OSGeo-Live is memory and disk constrained. Can the application run in 512
Meg of RAM?*

*How much disk space will be required to install the application and a
suitable example application?*
Approximately 38 Mbytes.

*We aim to reduce disk space by having all applications make use of a
common dataset. We encourage applications to make use of the example
datasets already
<http://wiki.osgeo.org/wiki/Live_GIS_Add_Project#Example_Datasets> If
another dataset would be more appropriate, please discuss here. Is it
appropriate, to remove existing demo datasets which may already be included
in the standard release.*
Examples datasets provided by OSGeo Live are fine to be used with
MapIgniter. Optimum data is with native Web Mercator projection.

*Each OSGeo-Live application requires a Project Overview available under a
CC By and a Quickstart available under a CC By-SA license. (You may release
under a second license as well). Will you produce this?*

*In past releases, we have included Windows and Mac installers for some
applications. It is likely we won't have space for these in future
releases. However, if there is room, would you be wishing to include
Windows and/or Mac installers?*
Yes, Windows installer.

2015-11-25 17:01 GMT+00:00 Alex Mandel <tech_dev at wildintellect.com>:

> On 11/25/2015 08:24 AM, Marco Afonso wrote:
> > Hi,
> >
> > I would like to submit a new project for OSGeo-Live.
> >
> > The project in case is MapIgniter2.
> > Here is the home of the project:
> https://github.com/taviroquai/mapigniter2
> >
> > I would like to know what are the requirements and procedures to be
> > accepted to integrate OSGeo Live.
> >
> >
> >
> Marco,
> Reply to this thread with the answers to the following questions:
> http://wiki.osgeo.org/wiki/Live_GIS_Disc_Apply
> The expanded details of adding new projects is documented at:
> http://wiki.osgeo.org/wiki/Live_GIS_Add_Project
> Thanks,
> Alex

Marco Afonso
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