[Live-demo] Is it possible to meet in Bonn? - OSGeo-Live Translations

Cameron Shorter cameron.shorter at gmail.com
Fri Aug 12 13:29:24 PDT 2016

Hi Kari,

I won't be at OSGeo-Live, but many of the OSGeo-Live translators will be 
there, and they will be able to give better advice than myself (as I 
only speak English).

Angelos (Greek) and Astrid (German) will be worth looking out for. They 
have both been active translators, are on the OSGeo-Live steering 
committee, and will be presenting on OSGeoLive at FOSS4G. There are also 
many more translators who hopefully will jump in and share their 
experiences too.

One thing that I'm hoping some people from the translation community 
will be able to help with is selecting and then implementing one of the 
translation software tools, which should make it easier to keep our 
translations up to date. Hopefully this will be a topic for discussion 
at FOSS4G.

Warm regards, Cameron

On 13/08/2016 6:16 AM, Kari Salovaara wrote:
> Of course You can do it!
> I've just joined in also.
> 12.8.2016, 23:13, Cameron Shorter kirjoitti:
>> Hi Kari,
>> Would you mind if I CC this email thread to the OSGeo-Live email list.
>> Many of our OSGeo-Live translators sit on that list.
>> On 13/08/2016 6:10 AM, Kari Salovaara wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> are You coming to Bonn? I'd like to meet You and have a short chat about
>>> translating OSGeo-Live into Finnish.
>>> I'm chair to OSGeo Finland and I've been translating few OSGeo projects
>>> into Finnish already.
>>> In our local conferences there has been discussions of the need to
>>> translate various applications and material into Finnish,
>>> some people favor that attempt and some see translation to be unworthy.
>>> But more or less municipalities and eg. environmental NGO's
>>> don't start to use FOSS applications if they cannot use them in Finnish.
>>> We have also second language - Swedish but that we leave for our
>>> neighbours ;) and I've to discuss with them later. (Actually we have
>>> also third language , Sami, but that's impossible due total lack of
>>> terminology and minority is so small)
>>> The goal for Finnish translation could be set for next year as I know
>>> volunteers are very hard to find here (if they are not get paid!!!!!).
>>> I've read wiki pages (probably there is not everything?).
>>> If I understand correctly the process is divided in two parts; website
>>> and front end for OSGeo-Live desktop?
>>> Can You estimate any time use (based from languages already done) how
>>> much these translations take?
>>> I'd like to have the chat before 24th 1730, we'll have a national Bof
>>> then. I could use the knowledge then.
>>> If You are not the correct person, could You tell me who is?
>>> Best regards,
>>> Kari
>>> PS. I know that I could ask this Monday evening with IRC but I'm not
>>> used to use IRC and it's already midnight here!

Cameron Shorter,
Software and Data Solutions Manager
Suite 112, Jones Bay Wharf,
26 - 32 Pirrama Rd, Pyrmont NSW 2009

P +61 2 8099 9000,  M +61 419 142 254, W www.jirotech.com

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