[Live-demo] Press Release DRAFT v9.5

Cameron Shorter cameron.shorter at gmail.com
Mon Mar 21 15:55:40 PDT 2016

OSGeo-Live press release updated based on our conversation on IRC a few 
hours ago.

I'm still looking for a half sentence summary of changes to major 
project updates. In particular: GeoNetwork 3, MapServer 7, QGIS. 
Anything else?

Steve, Simon, Tim,
I suspect you'd be the best qualified to push a few words in our direction?

(We are still ~ 48 hours till we have all builds ready for download, and 
the press release sent out).

Cheers, Cameron

On 22/03/2016 5:41 am, Angelos Tzotsos wrote:
> Thanks for the draft and review so far.
> I am also in favor of removing location from the beginning of the 
> press release. I am also in favor of removing specific contributor 
> names and quotes from the text.
> We should avoid using specific project names (especially so many times 
> in the text), unless we are going to list all of them. We should not 
> be favoring projects, while not mentioning others at all. Same for the 
> python stack: we have not included Jupyter in our docs yet, we should 
> not be mentioning them in the press release...
> Best,
> Angelos
> On 03/21/2016 09:45 AM, Cameron Shorter wrote:
>> Hi lets meet at in 12 hours on IRC to finalise content of the Press 
>> Release:
>> http://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/meetingdetails.html?hour=19&min=30&sec=0&p1=179&p2=189&p3=224&p4=22&p5=240&p6=196&p7=215 
>> Thanks Brain for adding some background context. I think we should 
>> use some of your suggestions (and pad out my initially short 1 
>> sentence introduction).
>> With regards to layout, there are a few suggestions I'd like to suggest.
>> This revised version now repeats content in places. We should respect 
>> our readers' time and only say things once.
>> Likewise, we should try to be concise. I think we should aim to have 
>> core content in one paragraph. Remaining content can be under 
>> following headings, making it easy for a reader to decide whether to 
>> keep reading or not.
>> You have introduced a location for the press release "Greece". This 
>> is a nice way to acknowledge Angelos who had been putting in an 
>> impressive effort keeping turning this project over, and putting out 
>> builds. However, I think we should also be thankful and recognise all 
>> the volunteers who contribute, who come from all over the world. As 
>> such, I suggest dropping the location.
>> For the same reason, I don't think I should be singled out to be 
>> quoted. I do like the quote though.
>> Instead tweak to:
>> "We, the OSGeo-Live team, believe this release to be the best 
>> OSGeo-Live to date. It includes the technical benefits of a 
>> rock-solid Ubuntu 1404 LTS, combined with the light-weight LXDE 
>> desktop interface for ease of use, and 8 years of continual 
>> improvements from the OSGeo community. We been touched to see 
>> significant interest from the educational and government sectors."
>> I'm wary of singling out a subset of applications that have been 
>> improved, unless there has been a big jump in functionality since 
>> last release. (QGIS might fit that category)
>> Cheers, Cameron
>> On 21/03/2016 4:28 pm, Sebastiaan Couwenberg wrote:
>>> On 03/21/2016 03:22 AM, Brian M Hamlin wrote:
>>>> https://wiki.osgeo.org/wiki/Live_GIS_Disc_Press_Release_66#OSGeo-Live_9.5_Released 
>>>>    any thoughts about "geopackage" support ?  major features missing ?
>>> For GeoPackage support you're missing GDAL 2.0 and SpatiaLite 4.3.0 at
>>> least.
>>> Kind Regards,
>>> Bas
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> -- 
> Angelos Tzotsos, PhD
> OSGeo Charter Member
> http://users.ntua.gr/tzotsos
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Cameron Shorter,
Software and Data Solutions Manager
Suite 112, Jones Bay Wharf,
26 - 32 Pirrama Rd, Pyrmont NSW 2009

P +61 2 9009 5000,  W www.lisasoft.com,  F +61 2 9009 5099

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