[Live-demo] OSGeo-Live 11.0 - should kosmo continue to be included?

Angelos Tzotsos gcpp.kalxas at gmail.com
Wed Jun 7 10:40:20 PDT 2017

Hi Sergio,

Thank you for updating the metrics page and for your contribution of 
Kosmo to the OSGeo-Live.

I went through the links provided in the metrics page and I landed in 
Kosmo's home page.
I realized that we have been promoting Kosmo v3.1 through OSGeo-Live for 
some releases now, but actually this version was never released on your 
page. This is not a good open source practice, and reflects bad to both 

You mentioned a 3.2 release coming soon, I hope to see that version 
officially released so we can consider adding Kosmo back to OSGeo-Live.


On 06/06/2017 11:37 PM, Cameron Shorter wrote:
> I'm looping the osgeo-live email list into this conversation, to open 
> up the opportunity to comment.
> Cameron
> On 6/6/17 11:15 pm, Sergio Baños Calvo wrote:
>> Hi Cameron.
>> Here it's the OpenHub metrics for Kosmo Desktop (sorry for the delay, 
>> i had some problems to get them up to date):
>> https://www.openhub.net/p/kosmo_desktop
>> Feel free to check and let me know if it's worth to let Kosmo Desktop 
>> form part of the OSGeo-LiveDVD.
>> Regards,
>> El 31/05/2017 a las 21:49, Cameron Shorter escribió:
>>> Thanks Sergio for looking into this.
>>> We are open to being convinced that kosmo is still a project that 
>>> should be on OSGeo-Live.
>>> Warm regards, Cameron
>>> On 31/5/17 6:29 pm, Sergio Baños Calvo wrote:
>>>> Good morning Cameron.
>>>> Those are bad news :(...
>>>>> * There is no version change of Kosmo for a number of releases.
>>>> We haven't increased the Kosmo Desktop number version due to 
>>>> internal reasons. The next OsGeo-LiveDVD would include the new 3.2 
>>>> version.
>>>>> * We don't have any OpenHub metrics for Kosmo to check community 
>>>>> activity
>>>> I'm taking care of this, I'll warn you as soon as the openhub 
>>>> metrics are all completed so you can check the activity and could 
>>>> change the opinion about the project.
>>>> Regards,
>>>> El 27/05/2017 a las 21:50, Cameron Shorter escribió:
>>>>> Hi Sergio,
>>>>> We have identified Kosmo as a candidate for retiring from 
>>>>> OSGeo-Live. The reasons for considering this are:
>>>>> * There is no version change of Kosmo for a number of releases.
>>>>> * We don't have any OpenHub metrics for Kosmo to check community 
>>>>> activity
>>>>> So the question we ask is "Should we recommend new users adopt 
>>>>> Kosmo over equivalent Open Source GIS alternatives?"
>>>>> A good way to demonstrate that is by demonstrating an active 
>>>>> community.
>>>>> I'd be interested to hear your thoughts on this?
>>>>> Feel free to CC the OSGeo-Live list with your response if you like.
>>>>> Warm regards, Cameron
>>>>> On 15/5/17 4:27 pm, Sergio Baños Calvo wrote:
>>>>>> Hi Astrid,
>>>>>> I'll check and prepare the latest one to be added to the new 
>>>>>> version of OSGeo-Live.
>>>>>> The Project Overview and Quickstart will be valid for the new 
>>>>>> one, but I'll check and add the newest functionalities (and some 
>>>>>> use cases) to both of them.
>>>>>> Regards,
>>>>>> El 09/05/2017 a las 21:09, astroidex at gmail.com escribió:
>>>>>>> Hi Sergio,
>>>>>>> we have started our build cycle for OSGeo-Live 11.0, due to be 
>>>>>>> released at the end of July 2017, in time for FOSS4G 2017 in 
>>>>>>> August.
>>>>>>> We are interested to know which version of kosmo should be 
>>>>>>> installed on OSGeo-Live 11.0?
>>>>>>> Version 3.1 was installed on OSGeo-Live 10.5.
>>>>>>> Note that our installer feature freeze is 5. June 2017!
>>>>>>> Please give us feedback and get involved or provide a different 
>>>>>>> person as contact person, which will update your project.
>>>>>>> We are asking all OSGeo-Live projects to let us know:
>>>>>>> 1. What versions of projects should be on OSGeo-Live?
>>>>>>> 2. Are there any new projects which should be on OSGeo-Live?
>>>>>>> 3. Are there any projects which should be dropped from OSGeo-Live?
>>>>>>> Do you think we should drop kosmo from OSGeo-Live?
>>>>>>> As per last announcement [1], with our next OSGeo-Live release 
>>>>>>> we intend to focus on quality, and as such will be asking each 
>>>>>>> project:
>>>>>>> 1. To help install the latest stable version of the software.
>>>>>>> 2. To verify Project Overview and Quickstarts are both up to 
>>>>>>> date and in line with our documentation standards.
>>>>>>> You can see results of our first pass review in our status 
>>>>>>> spreadsheet [2], column T "11.0 comment", and column U "10.0 Doc 
>>>>>>> Review".
>>>>>>> [1] https://wiki.osgeo.org/wiki/Live_GIS_Disc_Press_Release_75
>>>>>>> [2] 
>>>>>>> https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1Q5BaEgQtgw4O1bXyeWMlM8XtAOhUgcjZ7Y2O0FZc2H0/edit?hl=en_GB#gid=2014800150
>>>>>>> Key Milestones
>>>>>>> -------------------
>>>>>>>  15-May-2017 Decide versions of applications to be installed on 
>>>>>>> OSGeo-Live
>>>>>>>  22-May-2017 Draft installers for new applications complete
>>>>>>>   5-Jun-2017   OSGeo-Live Feature Freeze (final application 
>>>>>>> versions installed)
>>>>>>>  19-Jun-2017  OSGeo-Live delivered to UAT (final application 
>>>>>>> versions installed - Beta stage)
>>>>>>>  24-Jul-2017   OSGeo-Live Final ISO
>>>>>>>  14-Aug-2017 FOSS4G 2017 Boston
>>>>>>> ... full schedule 
>>>>>>> http://spreadsheets.google.com/ccc?key=0Al9zh8DjmU_RdE1SYUN3YWJ2N1NpSUczbW9IRWZNclE&hl=en_GB
>>>>>>> We are waiting for your response concerning your project kosmo. 
>>>>>>> Any questions, please ask via the OSGeo-Live mailing list 
>>>>>>> (live-demo at lists.osgeo.org) or directly.
>>>>>>> Warm regards,
>>>>>>> Astrid
>>>>>>> -- 
>>>>>>> Astrid Emde
>>>>>>> Charter Member
>>>>>>> Open Source Geospatial Foundation
>>>>>>> http://wiki.osgeo.org/wiki/User:Astrid_Emde
>>>>>> -- 
>>>>>> Sergio Baños Calvo
>>>>>> Jefe de desarrollos / Development chief
>>>>>> Sistemas Abiertos de Información Geográfica,S.L. (SAIG S.L.)
>>>>>> Tlfno. móvil / Mobile phone: (+34) 685005960
>>>>>> Tlfno. fijo / Office phone: (+34) 954788876
>>>>>> E-mail: sbc at saig.es
>>>>> -- 
>>>>> Cameron Shorter
>>>>> M +61 419 142 254
>>>> -- 
>>>> Sergio Baños Calvo
>>>> Jefe de desarrollos / Development chief
>>>> Sistemas Abiertos de Información Geográfica,S.L. (SAIG S.L.)
>>>> Tlfno. móvil / Mobile phone: (+34) 685005960
>>>> Tlfno. fijo / Office phone: (+34) 954788876
>>>> E-mail: sbc at saig.es
>>> -- 
>>> Cameron Shorter
>>> M +61 419 142 254
>> -- 
>> Sergio Baños Calvo
>> Jefe de desarrollos / Development chief
>> Sistemas Abiertos de Información Geográfica,S.L. (SAIG S.L.)
>> Tlfno. móvil / Mobile phone: (+34) 685005960
>> Tlfno. fijo / Office phone: (+34) 954788876
>> E-mail: sbc at saig.es
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Angelos Tzotsos, PhD
Charter Member
Open Source Geospatial Foundation

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