[Live-demo] Review of gpsprune on OSGeo-Live 11.0

Activity Workshop mail at activityworkshop.net
Fri Jun 16 12:32:59 PDT 2017

On 12/06/17 21:00, Sebastiaan Couwenberg wrote:
> Shouldn't gpsprune be upgraded to 18.6 and the overview & quickstart
> updated to reflect the latest version?
> Kind Regards,
> Bas
Well yes, you're right, it would be ideal if we had v18.6.  But currently my
number 1 priority is to try to prevent GpsPrune being removed from OSGeo-Live,
and as I understand it the docs need to be reviewed this week.

The easiest way to ensure that GpsPrune gets installed (correct me if I'm wrong)
is to take the version from the Ubuntu repositories.  I expect that a simple
apt-get will be much easier to manage than trying to set up links to backports
or private ppas or whatever else might be involved to get 18.6.  So that is why
I recommended to take the one from the repositories, and I've only just learned
this week that this will be 18.3.

@Vicky, I've made a couple of minor updates to the quickstart, and Angelos has
merged them in (thanks, Angelos!).  So assuming that GpsPrune gets included in
the image again, and assuming that the gpx file that the quickstart references
gets included again, then the overview and quickstart for GpsPrune should be ok.


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