[Live-demo] [Translation] Project name change

Cameron Shorter cameron.shorter at gmail.com
Tue Nov 7 10:53:22 PST 2017


I suspect someone could do a global find and replace across all docs to 
achieve this.

On 7/11/17 7:52 pm, Nicolas Roelandt wrote:
> I relay here the announcement [1] I made on the Transifex platform 
> about the (small) consequences of the Project name change on our 
> translation process.
> Hi dear translators and OSGeoLive users,
> Yesterday, the OSGeoLive team decided to simplify the name to get more 
> constituency between platforms. Formerly, you can see it with a space 
> or an hyphen depending if it was on the website url, IRC and such.
> So the PSC decided over a camelcase syntax, OSGeoLive, without space. 
> We updated  the Transifex resources files accordingly.
> It was not expected, so all the translated strings have to be 
> retranslated.
> Hopefully, it is just the project name to change so you can use the 
> suggestion on the right side, choose the 99% suggestion (there is a 
> `use this` button) and remove the hyphen (or space) from previous 
> translation. It can also be done during reviewing.
> For new translations, please take the change in account and update the 
> project name if we missed it in the resources.
> Sorry for the inconvenience.
> Thanks again for your work here, we will be starting soon the battle 
> testing with all those translated strings.
> Best regards,
> Nicolas Roelandt
> For the OSGeoLive team
> [1] https://www.transifex.com/osgeo/osgeolive/announcements/7892/
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Cameron Shorter
Technology Demystifier, Learnosity
Open Technologies Consultant

M +61 (0) 419 142 254

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