[OSGeoLive] Python MapServer MapScript Notebook

Seth G sethg at geographika.co.uk
Wed Nov 7 02:02:25 PST 2018

HI all,

I've completed a new Jupyter notebook to give a quickstart guide to MapServer's MapScript Python bindings. Hopefully this can get included in the next OSGeoLive release. 

This is published to https://hub.mybinder.org/user/geographika-osg-ive12-notebooks-ptgaaead/notebooks/jupyter/quickstarts/mapscript-quickstart.ipynb
I added a custom Dockerfile to the repository which allows full customisation of the VM created to run the notebook - this could be a nice approach to have the notebooks both on OSGeoLive and online at the OSGeoLive site through mybinder. 

The source code is at https://github.com/geographika/OSGeoLive12-Notebooks/tree/master/jupyter/quickstarts
I used a Python library jupytext to convert between plain script and notebook format (which helps greatly in testing). 

This can be run on the current OSGeoLive12 VM using the following commands:

    wget https://github.com/geographika/OSGeoLive12-Notebooks/archive/master.zip
    unzip master.zip
    cd OSGeoLive12-Notebooks-master/jupyter/quickstarts
    export MAPSERVER_DEMO="/rofs/usr/local/share/mapserver/demos/itasca"   
    python -m jupyter notebook mapscript-quickstart.ipynb

I have a few questions on the notebook approach that I'll put in a separate email.


twitter: @geographika

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