[OSGeoLive] pygeoapi application

Tom Kralidis tomkralidis at gmail.com
Sun Sep 6 05:22:49 PDT 2020

Hi all: please find below our application for inclusion in OSGeoLive.


Angelos, Tom and the pygeoapi team

> Please describe your application.
> What is its name?


> What is the home page URL?


> Which OSI approved Open Source Licence is used?


> What does the application do and how does it add value to the GeoSpatial? stack of software?

pygeoapi is a Python server implementation of the OGC API suite of
standards. The project emerged as part of the next generation OGC API
efforts in 2018 and provides the capability for organizations to
deploy a RESTful OGC API endpoint using OpenAPI, GeoJSON, and HTML.
pygeoapi is open source and released under an MIT license.

> Does the application make use of OGC standards? Which versions of the standards? Client or server? You may wish to add comments about how standards are used.

pygeoapi implements the following OGC API standards:

- OGC API - Features
- OGC API - Coverages
- OGC API - Processes
- OGC API - Records

> What language is it written in?


> Which version of the application should be included in the next OSGeo-Live release?


> Stability is very important to us on OSGeo-Live. If a new user finds a bug in one application, it will tarnish the reputation of all other OSGeo-Live applications as well. (We pay most attention to the following answers):
> If risk adverse organisations have deployed your application into production, it would imply that these organisations have verified the stability of your software. Has the application been rolled out to production into risk (ideally risk adverse) organisations? Please mention some of these organisations?

pygeoapi has been deployed into a mission critical 24/7 environment at
the Meteorological Service of Canada.  pygeoapi has also been deployed
for the Internet of Water project as well as the GLOSIS - Global Soil
Information system.

> Open HUB provides metrics to help assess the health of a project. Eg: http://adhoc.osgeo.osuosl.org/livedvd/docs/en/metrics.html Could you please ensure that your project is registered with Open HUB, and Open HUB has been updated to reference the correct code repository(s) for your project. What is the Open HUB URL for your project?


> What is the size of the user community? You can often answer this by mentioning downloads, or describing a healthy, busy email list?

We estimate between 50-100 downloads per month (Python package index,
GitHub releases, etc.).  pygeoapi has a growing and healthy community
(mailing list, PSC, Gitter/IRC chat).

> What is the size of your developer community?

There are currently 5-6 developers working on the core of pygeoapi.  Given
the modular nature of pygeoapi, downstream development is not

> Do you have a bug free, stable release?


> Please discuss the level of testing that your project has gone through.

pygeoapi undergoes unit tests on every commit and release via Travis-CI.

> How long has the project has had mature code.

Since May 2018 (version 0.1.0)

> OSGeo-Live is targeted at applications that people can use rather than libraries. Does the application have a user interface (possibly a command line interface) that a user can interact with? (We do make an exception for Incubated OSGeo Libraries, and will include Project Overviews for these libraries, even if they don't have a user interface.)

pygeoapi provides a API with JSON and HTML being the primary payloads.
As an OGC API server, pygeoapi can be used with any client application
implementing the OGC API standards (QGIS, OWSLib, etc.).

> We give preference to OSGeo Incubated Projects, or Projects which are presented at FOSS4G conferences. If your project is involved in OSGeo Incubation, or has been selected to be presented at FOSS4G, then please mention it.

Currently, pygeoapi is an OSGeo Community project, and was introduced
to OSGeo at FOSS4G 2019.

> With around 50 applications installed on OSGeo-Live, us core packagers do not have the time to liaise with every single project email list for each OSGeo-Live release. So we require a volunteer (or two) to take responsibility for liaising between OSGeo-Live and the project's communities. This volunteer will be responsible for ensuring the install scripts and English documentation are updated by someone for each OSGeo-Live release. Also test that the installed application and Quickstart documentation works as expected on release candidate releases of OSGeo-Live. Who will act as the project's liaison person.

Angelos Tzotsos and Tom Kralidis

> OSGeo-Live is Ubuntu Linux based. Our installation preference is:
> Install from UbuntuGIS or DebianGIS
> Install .deb files from a PPA
> Write a custom install script
> Can you please discuss how your application will be installed.

via UbuntuGIS

> OSGeo-Live is memory and disk constrained. Can the application run in 512 Meg of RAM?


> How much disk space will be required to install the application and a suitable example application?

The 0.8.0 wheel installation is 127KB.  We would have a better idea
once upstream dependencies are installed.

> We aim to reduce disk space by having all applications make use of a common dataset. We encourage applications to make use of the example datasets already installed: http://wiki.osgeo.org/wiki/Live_GIS_Add_Project#Example_Datasets If another dataset would be more appropriate, please discuss here. Is it appropriate, to remove existing demo datasets which may already be included in the standard release.

pygeoapi can utilize its own test data (~5MB) or use one of the
existing datasets available on OSGeoLive proper.

> Each OSGeo-Live application requires a Project Overview available under a CC By and a Quickstart available under a CC By-SA license. (You may release under a second license as well). Will you produce this?


> In past releases, we have included Windows and Mac installers for some applications. It is likely we won't have space for these in future releases. However, if there is room, would you be wishing to include Windows and/or Mac installers?


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