[OSGeoLive] Maintenance of OSGeo Live Docs

Codrina Maria Ilie codrina at geo-spatial.org
Thu Jul 15 12:22:27 PDT 2021

Hi, Cameron,

I've forwarded your first email to Angelos and Astrid. They will get 
back shortly.


On 15/07/2021 21:55, Cameron Shorter wrote:
> I was wondering why Nelson hadn't received a response to this email 
> thread, and it might be because we had an old email address:
> live at osgeo.org <mailto:live at osgeo.org> instead of 
> osgeolive at lists.osgeo.org <mailto:osgeolive at lists.osgeo.org>.
> Seems like I need to go update my contacts, and maybe our web pages need 
> to be updated too.
> On Fri, 9 Jul 2021 at 06:45, Cameron Shorter <cameron.shorter at gmail.com 
> <mailto:cameron.shorter at gmail.com>> wrote:
>     +Codrina Ilie <mailto:codrina at geo-spatial.org> +Ankita
>     <mailto:ankitatripathi.2312 at gmail.com> +Nikos Lambrinos
>     <mailto:labrinos at eled.auth.gr> (Who have been involved with
>     developing a proposed OSGeo-Live glossary and would be good people
>     to know.)
>     Hi folks,
>     As Nelson mentions, I was impressed with Nelson's stated background
>     in tech writing and environmental science, combined with his
>     interest in getting involved in open source in a long term way, and
>     suggested that maintaining the quickstarts and project overviews
>     would be a great place to start.
>     I see this could be a building upon the prior work that Felicity did
>     with brining quickstarts up to date
>     <https://flicstar.com/project-report-for-season-of-docs-2019>.
>     A good starting point could be to audit all the existing
>     quickstarts. Run each of them. Make sure they are still up to date
>     and work. Make sure the screenshots are still valid.
>     In a year or so, this could extend to updating our templates to
>     align with the emerging best practice doc templates which are being
>     developed within The Good Docs Project.
>     I can provide Nelson with some mentoring from a tech writing
>     perspective, but will have limited capacity to help with the
>     OSGeoLive side of things, such as reaching out to each project
>     asking for latest updates.
>     I have been mostly inactive within OSGeo-Live for the last couple of
>     years.
>     I'm interested to hear if this plan would work?
>     There might be some changes which I'm not aware of?
>     I assume there is still a periodic team meeting? Could you please
>     share details with Nelson.
>     On Thu, 8 Jul 2021 at 19:07, Nelson Guya <nelsonkimani63 at gmail.com
>     <mailto:nelsonkimani63 at gmail.com>> wrote:
>         Hello,
>         My name is Nelson Guya, a technical writer from Nairobi, Kenya.
>         I recently joined the Good Docs Project to help open source
>         projects improve the quality of their documentation.
>         Earlier this week, I had a conversation with Cameron Shorter
>         (cofounder and coordinator of OSGeoLive and TheGoodDocsProject),
>         who pointed me to OSGeoLive, and we talked about my involvement
>         with the project.
>         I am interested in helping out by reviewing and updating
>         OSGeoLive Quickstarts and project overviews. My educational
>         background (BSc Environmental Science) and years of writing
>         experience will be useful in the project in the future.
>         He, Cameron, has offered to help me get started with managing
>         the OSGeo Live Docs.
>         I plan to be actively involved with the docs while using and
>         implementing Cameron's invaluable insights and guidance - as he
>         has worked with the project since its inception.
>         Looking forward to hearing from you.
>         Regards,
>         Nelson Guya
>     -- 
>     Cameron Shorter
>     Technical Writer, Google
> -- 
> Cameron Shorter
> Technical Writer, Google

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