[OSGeoLive] Maintenance of OSGeo Live Docs
labrinos at eled.auth.gr
labrinos at eled.auth.gr
Mon Jul 19 03:00:44 PDT 2021
Hi all,
Yes, the time of the meeting seems to be ok with me also.
Nikos Lambrinos
Παραθέτοντας από Angelos Tzotsos <gcpp.kalxas at gmail.com>:
> Hi Cameron,
> Thanks for the introductions.
> There is no regular meeting around this time (after the 14.0
> release) but we could plan a meeting.
> Since this is mainly related to documentation, I would like to hear
> the availability of the documentation team before planning this
> meeting.
> Would this Tue 20 July at 17:00 UTC work for everyone?
> Best,
> Angelos
> On 7/8/21 11:45 PM, Cameron Shorter wrote:
>> +Codrina Ilie <codrina at geo-spatial.org> +Ankita
>> <ankitatripathi.2312 at gmail.com> +Nikos Lambrinos
>> <labrinos at eled.auth.gr> (Who
>> have been involved with developing a proposed OSGeo-Live glossary and would
>> be good people to know.)
>> Hi folks,
>> As Nelson mentions, I was impressed with Nelson's stated background in tech
>> writing and environmental science, combined with his interest in getting
>> involved in open source in a long term way, and suggested that maintaining
>> the quickstarts and project overviews would be a great place to start.
>> I see this could be a building upon the prior work that Felicity did with
>> brining quickstarts up to date
>> <https://flicstar.com/project-report-for-season-of-docs-2019>.
>> A good starting point could be to audit all the existing quickstarts. Run
>> each of them. Make sure they are still up to date and work. Make sure the
>> screenshots are still valid.
>> In a year or so, this could extend to updating our templates to align with
>> the emerging best practice doc templates which are being developed within
>> The Good Docs Project.
>> I can provide Nelson with some mentoring from a tech writing perspective,
>> but will have limited capacity to help with the OSGeoLive side of things,
>> such as reaching out to each project asking for latest updates.
>> I have been mostly inactive within OSGeo-Live for the last couple of years.
>> I'm interested to hear if this plan would work?
>> There might be some changes which I'm not aware of?
>> I assume there is still a periodic team meeting? Could you please share
>> details with Nelson.
>> On Thu, 8 Jul 2021 at 19:07, Nelson Guya <nelsonkimani63 at gmail.com> wrote:
>>> Hello,
>>> My name is Nelson Guya, a technical writer from Nairobi, Kenya. I recently
>>> joined the Good Docs Project to help open source projects improve
>>> the quality of their documentation.
>>> Earlier this week, I had a conversation with Cameron Shorter (cofounder
>>> and coordinator of OSGeoLive and TheGoodDocsProject), who pointed me to
>>> OSGeoLive, and we talked about my involvement with the project.
>>> I am interested in helping out by reviewing and updating OSGeoLive
>>> Quickstarts and project overviews. My educational background (BSc
>>> Environmental Science) and years of writing experience will be useful in
>>> the project in the future.
>>> He, Cameron, has offered to help me get started with managing the OSGeo
>>> Live Docs.
>>> I plan to be actively involved with the docs while using and implementing
>>> Cameron's invaluable insights and guidance - as he has worked with the
>>> project since its inception.
>>> Looking forward to hearing from you.
>>> Regards,
>>> Nelson Guya
> --
> Angelos Tzotsos, PhD
> President
> Open Source Geospatial Foundation
> http://users.ntua.gr/tzotsos
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Τηλ.: 2310 991201 / 991230
Email: labrinos at eled.auth.gr
Web Page: http://users.auth.gr/labrinos/
Dr. Nikos Lambrinos
Professor of Geography Teaching
President of the Hellenic digital earth Centre of Excellence
Faculty of Education
School of Primary Education
Dept. of Science and New Technologies
Aristotle University of Thessaloniki
GR-54124 Thessaloniki, Greece
Tel: +30 2310 991201
Email: labrinos at eled.auth.gr
Web Page: http://users.auth.gr/labrinos/
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