[Oskari-user] Error when adding a layer to Oskari

Ryyppö, Minna minna.ryyppo at museovirasto.fi
Tue Aug 7 22:44:54 PDT 2018

Hello dear Oskari-people,

I am having trouble when adding a wfs service to Oskari and I was wondering if anyone on this list has faced the same problem and could give some good tips what to do!

I have a wfs which works fine with QGis and in a browser but when I try to add it to our Oskari-application I keep getting an error message "Metatietoja ei voitu hakea". There are not any scandi letters in layer names and also wfs version, coordinate system and protocol definitions seem to be correct.

Does anyone have any ideas what could be the problem..? I'm grateful for any help!

with kind regards,

Minna Ryyppö
Geoinformation Specialist
Archives and Information Services,
Knowledge Management
Finnish Heritage Agency
PL 913, 00101 Helsinki
p. 0295 33 6253
minna.ryyppo at museovirasto.fi<mailto:minna.ryyppo at museovirasto.fi>

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