[OT] Opportunities in Canada

Dewald Troskie dewald at globalimage.co.za
Wed Nov 15 05:54:20 EST 2006

Hi All,
I am considering emigrating from South Africa to Canada next year, and
have already started the application process. I have been silently
monitoring this user group for a while (you guys are one of the most
active GIS user groups in the world). 
I would just like to find out, does anybody on this list know where I
could possibly start my search for employment in the GIS development
field in Canada, I am also considering studying further on my BSc
Computer Science in Canada (I am currently studying it part-time), and
working full-time as a GIS Developer.
Any help or information would be appreciated, I want to leave South
Africa due to poor general economic and personal safety concerns.
Dewald Troskie
GIS Developer / Database Architect
GIS Global Image (Pty) Ltd.
Helping the world make informed decisions
P.O Box 15 The Innovation Hub 0087 
Cell: +27 (0)82 615 0248
Tel: +27 (0)12 844 0660
Fax: +27 (0)86 619 3958
Email: dewald at globalimage.co.za 
Web: www.globalimage.co.za <http://www.globalimage.co.za/>  
Web: www.mapme.co.za <http://www.mapme.co.za/> 
Registered Linux User No: 371874
Office L15 Enterprise Building 
The Innovation Hub - Hotel Street
Lynnwood, Pretoria, 0087
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