[Ottawa_users] next meeting

Scott Mitchell smitch at mac.com
Tue Dec 2 17:55:41 EST 2008

Greetings, all,

At the last OSGEO Ottawa meeting, there was brief discussion about  
when to meet again.  My recollection is not perfect, but I believe the  
potential participation in December was mixed at best.

I am not able to organize anything myself until later in the month,  
which is right when many people start disappearing for holidays.  I  
will be out of town from the 9th-16th, and really busy up until then.

If anyone really wants a December meeting, speak up and maybe Phil or  
an alternate can work on getting the scheduling done.  Liz Godwin  
might even have a presentation ready (I haven't checked).  Otherwise,  
I suggest early January.

Cheers, and happy holidays!


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