[Ottawa_users] PGCon 2008 - anyone?

Frank Warmerdam warmerdam at pobox.com
Wed Jan 30 13:51:11 EST 2008

Dan Langille wrote:
> As posted on the discuss@ list...
> I thought I'd mention this directly to the Ottawa group.  Dru Lavigne 
> spoke with your group and gathered there was much interest, given that 
> PGCon brings the PostgreSQL community to Ottawa.  The lack of 
> submissions contradicts what Dru saw.
> What's up?  :)


I appologise, I had intended to submit a paper if no one else from our
community was doing so.  I visited the call for papers page, but there doesn't
seem to be any clue there how to submit a paper.   There also isn't any clear
indication of how long presentations are supposed to be.  My presentations are
normally just slide shows with talking points which I expand on interactively.
I don't know if PGCon expects a publication quality paper or not.

If you are still open to a submission, I offer:

PostGIS: A Standards Based Geographic Extension for PostgreSQL

A introduction is provided to PostGIS, a PostgreSQL extension for managing
geographic feature (vector) data.  A particular focus is provided on the
OGC Simple Features for SQL standard from the Open Geospatial Consortium,
which is implemented by PostGIS, and how PostGIS fits into the standards
based approach to managing geospatial data.  A brief review of applications
supporting PostGIS will also be provided.

Speaker: Frank Warmerdam

I'm not a super hardcore PostGIS guy, so I'm not likely to try and explain
much about how the spatial indexing is done and stuff like that.  But I
think I can give a pretty general paper on PostGIS and putting it into
context relative to the standards, and spatial extensions in other databases.

If anyone else in Ottawa would like to co-present, I'd be keen on that too.
I'm sure we could tune the details of the presentation accordingly.

Best regards,
I set the clouds in motion - turn up   | Frank Warmerdam, warmerdam at pobox.com
light and sound - activate the windows | http://pobox.com/~warmerdam
and watch the world go round - Rush    | President OSGeo, http://osgeo.org

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