[Ottawa_users] Proposal for a logo

Fabien Ancelin fabien.ancelin at gmail.com
Mon Nov 11 17:29:44 PST 2013

Thanks a lot Richard for all the comments. I really appreciate that.

So far it would be +1 in favor of the logo with the Parliament and no
effect on Ottawa municipality .

I am looking forward to have the other people's feedback.


2013/11/11 richard burcher <drownedfrog at gmail.com>

>  Hi Fabien,
> Thanks for all your hard work on this. First off, I really like the
> Parliament logo with no effects on the Ottawa county. I'm excited to for us
> to have our own logo that will help with giving us a more recognizable
> brand.
> Don't add a link to the logo, no text is needed.
> I agree fully with the omission of co-chair names. There is no need, the
> logo is about OSGeo, not the individuals respective of position/involvement.
> The credits for the design of the logo should be at the bottom of the page
> along with image sources etc.
> All in all this is a lot of work you've done. Thanks again for this!
> Really like how it looks:)
> On 13-11-10 10:58 AM, Fabien Ancelin wrote:
>  Hello folks,
>  A long of email that comes with something I put quite a bot of time into.
> I already mentioned that to a couple of you, but I think we really need a
> logo to identify the Ottawa Chapter as an entity.  It will become even more
> important if we plan to have a banner for the GIS-Day. So the below are
> proposals, and now, I would like to know what you people think about it. I
> welcome *any* comment, or *any* proposal.
> All the proposals were created using Inkscape, an Open Source Software.
> You will find one directory that contains the original svg files created
> with Inkscape and a bunch of pdf that should be readable with all devices.
> (the reason for that is that mobile phone don't always do well with svg
> files.)
> Note that the representation of the Parliament is not finished. It
> requires an additional hour of work. I will polish it only if you like it
> and will integrate all your potential comments at the same time. Also keep
> in mind that the reason, there is so much detail on the Parliament is that
> is we use the logo with a big size, I don't want the Parliament to look
> empty.
> I have also attached a proposal for a couple of effects that I can use on
> the boundaries of Ottawa. I would like to use the drop shadow effect.
> Please, let me know what you think!
>  I also got the following proposals, which I am not really keen on for
> reasons explained below, but I want to know what you folks think. In the
> end, I want the decisions we take to meet the will of the majority of the
> members. And again, even though I don't share the same ideas, I really
> appreciated and value the feedback that has already been given to me :
>    - *Adding a link to our local Chapter's webpage close to the logo*. I
>    am usually not in favor of adding to much text to a logo because that
>    defeats the purpose of a logo as a simple picture that easily identify a
>    mark/product.
>    - *Having the co-chair names next to the logo*. Co-chairs may change,
>    the logo shouldn't. And I see OSGeo as group of individual. We co-chairs,
>    work hard ;), but we are here to serve the community, nothing more. I don't
>    think we deserve to be on the logo.
>    - *Giving credits to Inkscape (the piece of software I used in order
>    to create this logo)*. I am still quite uncertain about it. I love the
>    idea of promoting an Open Source Software that is really useful and I was
>    thinking about mentioning Inkscape on our wiki page. But again, to me this
>    information defeats the purpose of a logo. Furthermore, as far as I know,
>    it is not a common practice to see the software used for the design of logo
>    mentioned in the logo.
>  Keep in mind that when doing a poster of a banner, the logo is just one
> part of it. We can add a lot of information next to it. We should have all
> of the above on a banner, I simply don't believe it should be part of the
> logo.
>  I am looking forward to hearing all your comments and proposition about
> that. Also I am really good at making paper map, I am not a graphic
> designer so there is probably a lot of new ideas you can bring. So don't be
> shy!
>  Cheers
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