[Ottawa_users] Monthly meetup, Thursday, September 18

Fabien Ancelin fabien.ancelin at gmail.com
Sat Sep 6 17:08:17 PDT 2014

Hello folks,

I hope you are all well after the summer break. We have our monthly meeting
coming up on *Thursday, September 18*, at the Fox and Feather, at 6:00 PM.

Here are a couple of things I would like to have on the agenda:

1. *Updates.* It has been a long time since we all gathered, so I would
like people to hear what is on peoples' mind. I just met Regie today, and
he has some pretty cool things going on. Hopefully, he can share that with

2. *EnvisionGeomatics 2014*: presenting the agenda, talk about who is ready
to help manning the booth, Not sure yet if Daniel Morissette will be there
too.* @Daniel*, I will let you confirm. Spread the word about that
conference. Also, a big congrats to Javed who will do a presentation to TDW

3. *GIS Day:** @Scott*: Is Carleton University organizing something this
year? We would need to know in order to get people from OSGeo involved.

If anyone wants to add something to the agenda. Feel free to do so. Once
again, register on the event on meetup too (
http://www.meetup.com/OttawaOSGeo/events/177810002/). It gives us extra

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