[pal-developer] displayAll

Maxence Laurent maxence.laurent at heig-vd.ch
Fri Jul 9 10:21:22 EDT 2010


"displayAll=true" indicates we want to label each features, even if
overlaps occur between labels
"displayAll=false" indicates that labels overlapping  are forbidden

There is no way to forbid putting a label over obstacles.
A obstacle layer just define locations where we want to avoid putting a
label on: it's a wish and not a strict rule.


On 09/07/10 16:00, Vianney Dugrain wrote:
> Hi!
> Thank you for your answers, I hope that my numerous questions does not trouble you. I have a last one before the WE:
> If the boolean displayAll used as parameter in the function labeller() is set to False, does it mean that labels overlapping with any kind of other item is removed, or only labels which overlap each other?
> In my example, the labels overlapping with obstacle layers are displayed, even when the boolean is set to false. Is it normal?
> Regards!
> Vianney_______________________________________________
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