[pdal] Obtaining "stats" without reading points

Gerlek, Michael MGerlek at radiantblue.com
Wed Dec 3 08:08:25 PST 2014

Would that it were so.

You *could* crawl the metadata object to find the las header, BUT it’s a bad idea: the values in the header can’t be relied on, as the generating apps often get it wrong. LAS is notorious on this one. Trust me. :-)     (trivial example: sometimes the min/max corresponds to the data *before* they did some cleaning to remove noise points……..)

Furthermore, because PDAL is a general / format-independent library, it tends to only expose as 1st class citizens the info that it “knows” is always true and will always be there for all formats.


On Dec 3, 2014, at 10:51 AM, Kramer, Oscar <OKramer at radiantblue.com<mailto:OKramer at radiantblue.com>> wrote:


This is related to Michael's issue post here: https://github.com/PDAL/PDAL/issues/569. I need access to min/max bounds on quantities like intensity values, geographic bounds, etc (specifically in las files but should be generalized). I know those values are available in the las header. Yet it seems that to obtain these "stats", I need to employ a stats filter and read all the points. Is there another mechanism for quickly reading certain general properties (like bounds) that may be available from the header?

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