[pdal] Oracle PDAL queries not scaling

Oscar Martinez Rubi o.rubi at esciencecenter.nl
Wed Aug 5 03:26:44 PDT 2015


I did a test to see how good Oracle with PDAL scale with bigger data 
sets. I had 3 datasets that are self-contained with 20M, 210M and 2201M 
points. I loaded them in different Oracle DBs with PDAL and laz-perf. 
And, for each of them I ran 7 queries (via a pdal pipeline that 
preselects blocks, applies a crop and then write to a LAS file)

The results are in the attached file.

Regarding the loading, for the 20M I only used one core (it is only one 
file) while for the others I used 16 cores, i.e. 16 simult. PDAL 
instances loading data to Oracle. I opened an issue in GitHub because I 
noticed that in some of the runs the size that I got was too large, and 
I do not know what caused that. The attached numbers are when everything 
seemed to work and the sizes were as expected.

This message, though, is about the queries. Each query is run twice in 
each DB. As you can see in the results file, for 10x more points in the 
data set the queries are 10x slower, at least for the first run (with 
the 2201M the second run is much faster but this does not happen with 
the 210M).

Find also attached one of the XML that i used for the queries (example 
is for query1). Note that the geometry is previously inserted in oracle 
so I can use to pre-filter blocks with the query option in oci reader

First I though that maybe the query option in the oci reader in the XML 
was ignored and that all the blocks of the dataset were being processed 
by PDAL (that would explain 10x more points 10x slower queries) but I 
ran a pdal pipeline for query1 with verbose and I saw that the crop 
filter "only" processed 120000 points which makes sense taking into 
account that region of query 1 only has 74818 points. Or maybe the crop 
still process all the blocks extents but only opens and decompress the 
points of the overlapping ones?

Any idea what is happening?


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Approach      Total[s]    Init.[s]    Load[s]    Close[s]    Total[MB]    Index[MB]      Points    Points/s    Points/MB
----------  ----------  ----------  ---------  ----------  -----------  -----------  ----------  ----------  -----------
pdal20M          36.2         0.91      34.9         0.39           82         0.23    20165862      557068       245925
pdal210M         54.61        0.72      52.86        1.03          700         0.48   210631597     3857015       300902
pdal2201M       371.24        6.05     360.2         4.99         7165         3.43  2201135689     5929145       307207


Time[s]      pdal20M    pdal210M    pdal2201M
---------  ---------  ----------  -----------
01_0            0.8         3.4         33.23
01_1            0.52        3.44         0.21
02_0            1.38        4.16        34.22
02_1            1.25        4.14         0.96
03_0            0.55        4.06        39.15
03_1            0.61        4.14         0.18
04_0            2.03        9.78        90.38
04_1            1.95        9.67         1.1
05_0            0.86        3.64        32.3
05_1            0.81        3.67         0.51
06_0            2.44       13.43       123.03
06_1            2.33       13.57         1.23
07_0            1.71        4.52         1.41
07_1            1.63        4.68         1.43

NumPts      pdal20M    pdal210M    pdal2201M
--------  ---------  ----------  -----------
01_0          74818       74818        74818
01_1          74818       74818        74818
02_0         717869      717869       717869
02_1         717869      717869       717869
03_0          34667       34667        34667
03_1          34667       34667        34667
04_0         563013      563013       563013
04_1         563013      563013       563013
05_0         182861      182861       182861
05_1         182861      182861       182861
06_0         387134      387135       387134
06_1         387134      387135       387134
07_0          45813       45813        45813
07_1          45813       45813        45813

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