[pdal] Docker PDAL 1.3 images

Howard Butler howard at hobu.co
Sun Aug 28 09:24:53 PDT 2016

For your convenience, a full-featured PDAL is also available via Docker which includes nearly all drivers. This is the easiest way to get going with PDAL. Additionally, whenever a push is made by the development team to the PDAL 1.3-maintenance branch, the Docker image will be automatically updated.

> $ docker run pdal/pdal:1.3 pdal --drivers

> ========================= =========================================================================
> Name                      Description
> ========================= =========================================================================
> filters.approximatecoplanar ApproximateCoplanar Filter
> filters.attribute         Assign values for a dimension using a specified value, an OGR-readable
>                           data source, or an OGR SQL query.
> filters.chipper           Organize points into spatially contiguous, squarish, and non-overlapping
>                           chips.
> filters.colorization      Fetch and assign RGB color information from a GDAL-readable datasource.
> filters.crop              Filter points inside or outside a bounding box or a polygon if PDAL was
>                           built with GEOS support.
> filters.dartsample        Dart sample filter
> filters.decimation        Rank decimation filter. Keep every Nth point
> filters.divider           Divide points into approximately equal sized groups based on a simple
>                           scheme
> filters.eigenvalues       Eigenvalues Filter
> filters.estimaterank      EstimateRank Filter
> filters.ferry             Copy date from one dimension to another.
> filters.greedyprojection  Grid Projection filter
> filters.gridprojection    Grid Projection filter
> filters.ground            Progressive morphological filter
> filters.hag               HAG Filter
> filters.height            Height Filter
> filters.hexbin            Tessellate the point's X/Y domain and determine point density and/or
>                           point boundary.
> filters.merge             Merge data from two different readers into a single stream.
> filters.mongus            Mongus and Zalik (2012)
> filters.mortonorder       Morton or z-order sorting of points. See
>                           http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Z-order_curve for more detail.
> filters.movingleastsquares Moving Least Squares filter
> filters.normal            Normal Filter
> filters.outlier           Outlier removal
> filters.pclblock          PCL Block implementation
> filters.pmf               Progressive morphological filter
> filters.poisson           Poisson filter
> filters.predicate         Filter data using inline Python expressions.
> filters.programmable      Manipulate data using inline Python
> filters.radiusoutlier     Radius outlier removal
> filters.range             Pass only points given a dimension/range.
> filters.reprojection      Reproject data using GDAL from one coordinate system to another.
> filters.sample            Subsampling filter
> filters.smrf              Pingel et al. (2013)
> filters.sort              Sort data based on a given dimension.
> filters.splitter          Split data based on a X/Y box length.
> filters.statisticaloutlier Statistical outlier removal
> filters.stats             Compute statistics about each dimension (mean, min, max, etc.)
> filters.transformation    Transform each point using a 4x4 transformation matrix
> filters.voxelgrid         Voxel grid filter
> readers.bpf               "Binary Point Format" (BPF) reader support. BPF is a simple DoD and
>                           research format that is used by some sensor and processing chains.
> readers.faux              Faux Reader
> readers.gdal              Read GDAL rasters as point clouds.
> readers.greyhound         Greyhound Reader
> readers.icebridge         NASA HDF5-based IceBridge ATM reader. See
>                           http://nsidc.org/data/docs/daac/icebridge/ilatm1b/index.html for more
>                           information.
> readers.ilvis2            ILVIS2 Reader
> readers.las               ASPRS LAS 1.0 - 1.4 read support. LASzip support is also enabled through
>                           this driver if LASzip was found during compilation.
> readers.nitf              NITF Reader
> readers.optech            Optech reader support.
> readers.pcd               Read data in the Point Cloud Library (PCL) format.
> readers.pgpointcloud      Read data from pgpointcloud format. "query" option needs to be a SQL
>                           statement selecting the data.
> readers.ply               Read ply files.
> readers.pts               Pts Reader
> readers.qfit              QFIT Reader
> readers.sbet              SBET Reader
> readers.sqlite            Read data from SQLite3 database files.
> readers.terrasolid        TerraSolid Reader
> readers.text              Text Reader
> readers.tindex            TileIndex Reader
> writers.bpf               "Binary Point Format" (BPF) writer support. BPF is a simple DoD and
>                           research format that is used by some sensor and processing chains.
> writers.derivative        Derivative writer
> writers.las               ASPRS LAS 1.0 - 1.4 writer. LASzip support is also available if enabled
>                           at compile-time. Note that LAZ does not provide LAS 1.4 support at this
>                           time.
> writers.nitf              NITF Writer
> writers.null              Null writer. Provides a sink for points in a pipeline. It's the same as
>                           sending pipeline output to /dev/null.
> writers.p2g               Points2Grid Writer
> writers.pcd               Write data in the Point Cloud Library (PCL) format.
> writers.pgpointcloud      Write points to PostgreSQL pgpointcloud output
> writers.ply               ply writer
> writers.sbet              SBET Writer
> writers.sqlite            Write data to SQLite3 database files.
> writers.text              Text Writer
> ========================= =========================================================================

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