[pdal] PDAL Docker Tutorial

Howard Butler howard at hobu.co
Sun Jan 10 17:30:38 PST 2016


The development team has been jumping on the Docker bandwagon, and it has been an efficient ride considering the extensive list of dependencies that a fully featured PDAL can have. I have written a tutorial that can get you quickly going with PDAL on Windows using Docker. See http://www.pdal.io/tutorial/docker.html 

Additionally, we have switched to using Docker along with Travis for our continuous integration builds. There is a a Docker image containing our full set of dependencies too, and this is located on Docker Hub at https://hub.docker.com/u/pdal/ A very nice benefit of the Docker approach is if you have a bug that you are trying to get the development team to replicate, it will be very convenient for all parties to demonstrate it using the PDAL Docker builds.

If there are things the tutorial covers poorly or should cover but doesn't, please file a ticket.


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