[pdal] Clipping from multiple LAS tiles

Adam Steer Adam.Steer at anu.edu.au
Tue Oct 25 14:52:09 PDT 2016

Andrew, Howard - thanks!!

I’ll try both methods - I can see how some bash magic might make [1] work for me right now - but in the longer term I can also see (blurrily right now) how using tindex [2] might work well within the infrastructure we have/are developing.

I also see that filename globbing for pipelines is listed as an issue at github :)



> {
>     "pipeline": [
>         "Merimbula2013-C3-AHD_7585912_55_0002_0002.las",
>         "Merimbula2013-C3-AHD_7585914_55_0002_0002.las",
>         "Merimbula2013-C3-AHD_7605914_55_0002_0002.las",
>         {
>             "type": "filters.crop",
>             "polygon": "POLYGON((759094.480855234 5913008.2715937095,758464.6999094139 5912716.199270982,757743.6463627518 5912898.7444))
>         },
>         "./merimbulatown.las"
>     ]
> }
> should work.  If you want the output from the three input files to be separate, you can specify the output file as:
> "./merimbulatown#.las"
> Which should yield merimbulatown1.las, merimbulatown2.las and merimbulatown3.las which correspond to the three input files.


> pdal tindex index.sqlite "../merimbula2013/Tiles_2k_2k/\*.las"    -f "SQLite" --lyr_name "pdal" --t_srs "EPSG:4326" --fast_boundary

Then given something like the following pipeline:

> pdal pipeline merge-them.json

> {
>  "pipeline":[
>    {
>      "type":"readers.tindex",
>      "sql":"SELECT * from pdal",
>      "filename":"index.sqlite",
>      "where":"location LIKE \'%Merimbula2013-C3-AHD_7585912_55%\'",
>      "wkt":"POLYGON((759094.480855234 5913008.2715937095,758464.6999094139 5912716.199270982,757743.6463627518 5912898.7444 ........"
>    },
>    {
>      "type":"writers.las",
>      "filename":"outputfile.las"
>    }
>  ]
> }

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