[pdal] Who likes PDAL?

Kristian Evers kreve at sdfe.dk
Fri Apr 7 07:06:16 PDT 2017

Hi Michael

Feel free to mention the national mapping authority of Denmark, The Agency for Data Supply and Efficiency (sdfe.dk – only in Danish at the moment). We use PDAL in our production of the Danish Elevation Model, which is a nation-wide point cloud dataset that consist of roughly 415 billion classified and colored points supplied in LAS format. Howard and his people has very kindly set up a potree demo of the dataset. You can find it here: http://potree.entwine.io/data/denmark.html
In the production line PDAL is used for adding RGB-values to point cloud files and for vertical datum shifts (ellipsoidal heights to orthometric heights). An added benefit of using PDAL  for the vertical datum shift is that given the right input, PDAL will write a proper WKT spatial reference in the header of the LAS files. We also use PDAL for general data management and all sorts of ad hoc tasks.


Fra: pdal [mailto:pdal-bounces at lists.osgeo.org] På vegne af Michael Rosen
Sendt: 6. april 2017 22:20
Til: pdal at lists.osgeo.org
Emne: [pdal] Who likes PDAL?

My "Introduction to Lidar Workflows with PDAL" went over pretty well at the local ASPRS Tech Exchange. I'm submittting an abstract for this year's WA Urisa conference. Are there any names I can drop? Projects / companies / products that use PDAL ...

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