[pdal] PDAL Python3 issues

Jean-Francois Prieur jfprieur at gmail.com
Fri Jan 20 14:27:51 PST 2017

Hello, I am following the documentation on


In order to test simply opening a LAS file with PDAL as shown in the
example, on a fresh Debian stretch vanilla install.

I think there is a small typo in the line

pipeline = pdal.Pipeline(pipeline)
should be
pipeline = pdal.Pipeline(json)

When I try to execute the script, I get the following errors

>>> pipeline = pdal.Pipeline(json)
>>> pipeline.validate()
Warning 1: Cannot find pcs.csv
>>> pipeline.loglevel = 9
>>> count = pipeline.execute()
>>> arrays = pipeline.arrays
RuntimeError: _ARRAY_API is not PyCObject object
Segmentation fault

For the first warning, I have my GDAL_DATA path set and the pcs.csv file is
$ sudo find  / -name pcs.csv -type f

$ echo $GDAL_DATA

I have installed gdal, pdal, python3-gdal, python3-numpy, python3-pdal so
not too sure why the arrays command fails.

Any help is appreciated, trying to replace liblas as we have memory usage
problems with it. When we read multiple LAS files (open and close thousands
of LAS files) with liblas the memory just runs out eventually, even with a
close() statement. Happens on both windows and linux (thought it was a
windows dll problem perhaps). Need to solve this with PDAL and am pretty
close ;)

Thanks for any help
JF Prieur
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