[pdal] readers.text: Duplicate dimension ', ' detected in input file from writers.text

Andrew Bell andrew.bell.ia at gmail.com
Tue Jun 20 13:03:16 PDT 2017

>From the documentation:

"Any single non-alphanumeric character can be used as a separator. "

The reader is taking the quote as the delimiter.  Remove the quotes and you
should be fine:


On Tue, Jun 20, 2017 at 1:53 PM, Nick Cummins <nickmcummins at icloud.com>

> Hi,
> I am getting this error when trying to run readers.text on an input file
> that was created using writers.txt.
> pdal pipeline heights_above_ground.template.pipeline.json
> pdal pipeline filter_non_ground.pipeline.json
> less 20131013_usgs_olympic_wa_10TDT310990_HeightAboveGround.xyz
> "X","Y","Z","HeightAboveGround"
> 803169.892,932562.842,2093.730,30.350
> 803170.060,932566.158,2093.070,32.180
> 803178.839,932573.593,2054.360,0.000
> 803170.851,932564.554,2093.700,33.600
> Not sure why though, as the output file generated by the first pipeline
> run looks fine to me. I originally tried this with a different delimiter
> (tab), and encountered the same issue. Any ideas? Thanks in advance.
> Nick
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Andrew Bell
andrew.bell.ia at gmail.com
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