[pdal] Entwine 1.0 released

Connor Manning connor at hobu.co
Wed Mar 8 09:10:08 PST 2017

I'd like to announce the release of Entwine 1.0, a project built upon PDAL.

Entwine is an octree-based spatial indexing transformation tool for point
clouds from the desktop scale up to many hundreds of billions of points.
It is fully lossless, and capable of serving both LoD-renderers and
processing applications.

An HTTP server called Greyhound provides abstract access to Entwine data -
this server can provide a back-end for clients like the LoD version of
Plasio (speck.ly) and Potree.  There is also a PDAL reader to query point
data from a Greyhound server for processing within a PDAL pipeline.
Entwine can also generate Cesium 3D-Tiles output.

Downloads are available at https://entwine.io/download.html.

Entwine - https://entwine.io/
Greyhound - http://greyhound.io/
Plasio - http://speck.ly/
Potree - http://potree.entwine.io/
Cesium - http://cesium.entwine.io/
PDAL Greyhound reader - https://www.pdal.io/stages/readers.greyhound.html

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