[pdal] DSM and DTM mismatch.

Andrew Bell andrew.bell.ia at gmail.com
Mon Aug 20 05:57:54 PDT 2018

You should post pipelines to show how exactly you're creating the files.

On Mon, Aug 20, 2018 at 8:49 AM, Murray, Jon <j.murray3 at lancaster.ac.uk>

> Hello PDAL users,
> This is my first post to you all, having just joined the mailing list, so
> I hope this post is appropriate. I have a problem that I hope there is a
> PDAL (or possibly GDAL) based solution for. I have created both DSM and DTM
> from LiDAR (.las) data, using the appropriate PDAL filters/writers etc. It
> all works well, however there is a slight mismatch in output file sizes.
> The DSM comes out at (3069,1094) and the DTM at (3069,1092), from the same
> input.las file. This prevents the CHM from being created (GDAL side now) as
> of course, the dimensions must match. I have tried reprocessing the DSM/DTM
> and changing grid sizes x/y, but no success.
> Can anyone recommend a solution to this problem please? In short what can
> I do to make the DTM/DSM sizes match?
> Many thanks,
> Jon.
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Andrew Bell
andrew.bell.ia at gmail.com
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