[pdal] assign projection info without creating new file

Matt Beckley beckley at unavco.org
Mon Nov 5 14:32:42 PST 2018

Hello All,

I have thousands of .laz files that have no projection information.  From
my contact, I received the EPSG codes for the datasets.  I can apply them
with a pipeline such as:


    "pipeline": [


            "type" : "readers.las",

               "filename": "input.laz"



            "type" : "writers.las",

               "filename": "output.laz",

            "a_srs": "EPSG:2193+7839"




I suppose I could just then do  "mv output.laz input.laz" in a bash script
to end up with a single file with the proper projection in the header.

My question: Is there a way I can do it without creating an intermediary
file?  I tried the obvious of reading and writing to input.laz, but that
didn't work.  With thousands of files, it seems like it could save some
time.  Just curious.


Matthew Beckley
Data Engineer
beckley at unavco.org
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