[pdal] read scalar field as intensity in reader.ply

Schneider, Dominik dominik.schneider at wsu.edu
Fri Oct 5 11:19:25 PDT 2018

filters.ferry worked great. Thanks!

From: Andrew Bell <andrew.bell.ia at gmail.com>
Sent: Friday, October 5, 2018 9:52:42 AM
To: Schneider, Dominik
Cc: pdal at lists.osgeo.org
Subject: Re: [pdal] read scalar field as intensity in reader.ply

You can't do this directly with a command-line option, but there are alternatives:

1) The header of a PLY file is ASCII text.  You can simply change the name of the field that's called "gray" (or whatever) to "Intensity".
2) You can add a ferry filter after the ply reader in your pipeline to copy the data from the gray field to the Intensity field.  If you're using "pdal translate", you can add the ferry filter to the process by using `-f ferry --filters.ferry.dimensions "gray=>Intensity"

On Fri, Oct 5, 2018 at 12:41 PM Schneider, Dominik <dominik.schneider at wsu.edu<mailto:dominik.schneider at wsu.edu>> wrote:

is it possible to read a custom scalar field into the intensity dimension?

in my case, the output from our scanner includes a "gray" scalar value (binary .ply format) that is actually intensity. i would like to map it into the intensity dimension for processing.

see this discussion surrounding lastools :



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Andrew Bell
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