[pdal] readers.slpk: Failed to fetch info

Andrew Bell andrew.bell.ia at gmail.com
Fri Apr 5 07:46:39 PDT 2019

On Tue, Apr 2, 2019 at 2:37 PM David Lewis <dlewi146 at gmail.com> wrote:

> James -
> I'm currently running python-pdal version 2.1.8    and    pdal version
> 1.8.0. Not sure if those are mismatched or where I would check that. Conda
> doesn't seem to report any issues.
> Andrew -
> I get the following traceback which is what I attempted to use to
> understand the file structure on the Github. However, it doesn't seem very
> verbose.

... <deleted image of failure message reading

Does the directory /tmp/SMALL_AUTZEN_LAS_ALL exist after running?  Do you
find a directory called SMALL_AUTZEN_LAS_ALL anywhere on your system?

Andrew Bell
andrew.bell.ia at gmail.com
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