[pdal] Reprojection help

Rebecca Clarke rebecca at clarke.net.nz
Tue Oct 8 23:44:46 PDT 2019

Hi Howard,

Thanks for the quick reply I installed these packages and it didn't fix the
I'm specifying the grid shift file with the +geoidgrids.
I noticed on the PROJ site there was a bug fix in Sept 2019 that mentions
geoidgrids, maybe that could be what's causing the issue here, but I need
to investigate that further to understand it.


On Wed, Oct 9, 2019 at 5:07 PM Howard Butler <howard at hobu.co> wrote:

> I suspect you also need to install the proj-datumgrid package for conda
> > conda install -c conda-forge proj-datumgrid-oceania proj-datumgrid-world
> This should get you the grid shift files that OSGeo4W packages for you.
> Please file a ticket in the PDAL repository on this topic. We need to
> update our documentation to note this item if users expect to do any
> geodetic shift operations.
> Howard
> <https://github.com/OSGeo/proj-datumgrid>
> On Tue, Oct 8, 2019 at 9:17 PM Rebecca Clarke <rebecca at clarke.net.nz>
> wrote:
>> Hi fellow PDAL'ers
>> So after my post last week about OSGeo4W I reverted to Conda and I'm no
>> longer getting the results I was getting in OSGeo4W. I would love some help
>> troubleshooting as I feel like I'm overlooking something but not sure what.
>> I am doing a reprojection on a las file. When I run this command in the
>> pdal version i have in OSGeo4W a file is created and the Z values have been
>> correctly reprojected. When I run the exact same command in the conda
>> environment, I get a file with data in it, but there has been no
>> change/shift to the Z value.
>> OSGeo4W pdal version is 1.8.0
>> Conda pdal version is 2.0.1
>> This is the command:
>> pdal pipeline "C:/Rebecca/las/pipeline.json"
>> --readers.las.filename="C:/Rebecca/las/BD38_5k_0201.las"
>> --writers.las.filename="C:/Rebecca/las/BD38_5k_0201_NZVD2016.las"
>> --filters.reprojection.out_srs="+init=EPSG:2193
>> +geoidgrids=C:/Rebecca/las/moturiki-1953-to-nzvd2016-conversion.gtx"
>> This is the contents of pipeline.json:
>> {
>>     "pipeline" :
>>     [
>>         {
>>             "type":"readers.las",
>>             "filename":"#"
>>         },
>>         {
>>             "type":"filters.reprojection",
>>             "in_srs":"EPSG:2193",
>>             "out_srs":"EPSG:2193"
>>         },
>>         {
>>             "type":"writers.las",
>>             "filename":"#",
>>             "a_srs":"EPSG:2193",
>>             "forward":"all"
>>         }
>>     ]
>> }
>> These are the packages which I installed in the conda environment after
>> creation: pdal, python-pdal, gdal
>> Would love any help.
>> Thanks in advance.
>> Rebecca
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