[pdal] c# bindings for PDAL

Paul Harwood runette at gmail.com
Wed Aug 26 08:23:36 PDT 2020

Since I got it all working - I thought I would feed it back.

First point - the "unity Package" I referred to relates to Unity - the VR
development environment. This is scripted in C# - thus the need to use that
language. The Project is a 'GIS in VR' platform - www.virgis.org.

Use of PDAL in C# and Unity comes in two parts:

1) A C API for PDAL. This is provided by PDAL/CAPI
<https://github.com/PDAL/CAPI> and compiles to pdalc.dll. The error I
reported before was caused by this library - but recompiling capi against
PDAL 2.1.0 worked fine and sorted the problem out. I don't think this code
counts as official or even actively maintained but it does work well.

2) C# PINVOKE scripts for the C API. The repo PDAL-UNITY
<https://github.com/Simverge/pdal-unity> is intended only a technology
demonstration but actually provides a very complete set of scripts - see
this source
an example.

Using this setup, I can, in C#, programmatically create pipelines, execute
those pipelines and get the result back as a pointview.

I can also (Specific to Unity) bake the PointView into a Texture which I
then pass to a VFX (a form of GPU shader) to visualise the Point Cloud.

You can see all of this happening in this source.

On Mon, 22 Jun 2020 at 14:45, Paul Harwood <runette at gmail.com> wrote:

> Thanks for the info.
> On Mon, 22 Jun 2020, 14:19 Howard Butler, <howard at hobu.co> wrote:
>> > On Jun 20, 2020, at 8:21 AM, Paul Harwood <runette at gmail.com> wrote:
>> >
>> > Does anyone know of any up to date bindings for integrating PDAL into
>> c#?
>> >
>> > I did a search, and there appeared to be some conversations about 9
>> years ago.
>> Yes, as far as I remember, there was just some chatter about .NET
>> bindings, but no organized development.
>> > There is also a unity package pdal-unity that works successfully - but
>> only for PDAL v1.7 and GDAL 2.0.3. It fails on PDAL 2.1. I cannot find
>> anything else.
>> I don't know what a unity package is, but nothing significant has
>> architecturally changed for PDAL between 1.7 and 2.1. GDAL has changed its
>> coordinate system handling significantly since 2.0 => 3.0/3.1, however.
>> Howard
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