[pdal] LAS Files Reclassifying Points with Flags - pdal info query + differences between pdal info / lasinfo classification outputs

Connor Manning connor at hobu.co
Wed Feb 12 14:03:02 PST 2020

Regarding the Classification assignment, I think you've got the filter
specification backwards.  To "reclassify points under code 17 to 10", you
would want "assignment":"Classification[17:17]=10".

On Wed, Feb 12, 2020 at 3:48 PM Rose Phillips <RPhillips at linz.govt.nz>

> Hi guys,
> Hope you’re all having a good week.
> When reclassifying points in LAS files where there are also flags
> (withheld, synthetic, keypoint or overlap), I’ve noticed a discrepancy
> between pdal info + lasinfo reports with my output LAS files, and an
> assortment of classification codes (for pdal info) that I’m not familiar
> with.
> I used pdal pipeline to reclassify points under code 17 to 10 :-
> {
>   "pipeline" : [
>    {
>         "type" : "readers.las",
>         "filename" : "input.las"
>    },
>     {
>         "type":"filters.assign",
>         "assignment":"Classification[10:10]=17"
>     },
>     {
>         "type" : "writers.las",
>         "minor_version" : 4,
>         "dataformat_id": 1,
>         "a_srs" : "EPSG:2193+7839",
>         "forward" : "all",
>         "filename" : "output.las"
>     }
>   ]
> }
> Looking at lasinfo reports, for an input and output file, it looks like
> there are still points assigned as 17? But the pdal info reports show
> something else, and points with different counts e.g.
> *Input file (pdal info)*
> *  "filename": "D:\\ BM34_2018_1000_1637.las",*
> *  "pdal_version": "2.0.1 (git-version: Release)",*
> *  "stats":*
> *  {*
> *    "statistic":*
> *    [*
> *      {*
> *        "average": 38.90448897,*
> *        "count": 4048726,*
> *        "counts":*
> *        [*
> *          "1.000000/1",*
> *          "2.000000/2590331",*
> *          "3.000000/146834",*
> *          "4.000000/16873",*
> *          "5.000000/106701",*
> *          "6.000000/13937",*
> *          "7.000000/51",*
> *          "9.000000/14124",*
> *          "10.000000/218",*
> *          "130.000000/993308",*
> *          "131.000000/102834",*
> *          "132.000000/6622",*
> *          "133.000000/40561",*
> *          "134.000000/9820",*
> *          "135.000000/5",*
> *          "137.000000/6215",*
> *          "138.000000/291"*
> *        ],*
> *        "maximum": 138,*
> *        "minimum": 1,*
> *        "name": "Classification",*
> *        "position": 0,*
> *        "stddev": 57.89674269,*
> *        "variance": 3352.032814*
> *      }*
> *    ]*
> *  }*
> *}*
> *Output File (pdal info)*
> *{*
> *  "filename":
> "D:\\palmerston_north_cc\\pdal_reclassification_issue\\reclassified\\CL2_BM34_2018_1000_1637.laz",*
> *  "pdal_version": "2.0.1 (git-version: Release)",*
> *  "stats":*
> *  {*
> *    "statistic":*
> *    [*
> *      {*
> *        "average": 38.90486588,*
> *        "count": 4048726,*
> *        "counts":*
> *        [*
> *          "1.000000/1",*
> *          "2.000000/2590331",*
> *          "3.000000/146834",*
> *          "4.000000/16873",*
> *          "5.000000/106701",*
> *          "6.000000/13937",*
> *          "7.000000/51",*
> *          "9.000000/14124",*
> *          "17.000000/218",*
> *          "130.000000/993308",*
> *          "131.000000/102834",*
> *          "132.000000/6622",*
> *          "133.000000/40561",*
> *          "134.000000/9820",*
> *          "135.000000/5",*
> *          "137.000000/6215",*
> *          "138.000000/291"*
> *        ],*
> *        "maximum": 138,*
> *        "minimum": 1,*
> *        "name": "Classification",*
> *        "position": 0,*
> *        "stddev": 57.8965773,*
> *        "variance": 3352.013663*
> *      }*
> *    ]*
> *  }*
> *}*
> *Input file (lasinfo)*
> histogram of classification of points:
>                1  unclassified (1)
>          3583639  ground (2)
>           249668  low vegetation (3)
>            23495  medium vegetation (4)
>           147262  high vegetation (5)
>            23757  building (6)
>               56  noise (7)
>            20339  water (9)
>              509  rail (10)
> +-> flagged as withheld:  1159656
> *Output file (lasinfo)*
> histogram of classification of points:
>                1  unclassified (1)
>          3583639  ground (2)
>           249668  low vegetation (3)
>            23495  medium vegetation (4)
>           147262  high vegetation (5)
>            23757  building (6)
>               56  noise (7)
>            20339  water (9)
>              291  rail (10)
>              218  bridge deck (17)
> +-> flagged as withheld:  1159656
> I’m guessing pdal info is the most accurate output as arcgis pro + global
> mapper outputs are the same as pdal info and lasinfo is the odd one out.
> I wrote a las2las and pdal pipeline workaround to make sure that both
> lasinfo + pdal info outputs were the same.
> I was wondering if you guys knew why the flags were written as numbers and
> why they are split up in codes, that change for each file?
> Many thanks and kind regards,
> Rose Phillips
> Location Data Analyst
> Land Information New Zealand
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