[pdal] Entwine missing some points while build !

Marie Sanchez marie_sanchez74 at hotmail.com
Wed Jul 22 07:08:09 PDT 2020

Hello everyone,

While I build files with Entwine, I found out that not all the points are converted and the result behind is not so awesome.

 docker run -v /home/:/home connormanning/entwine:2.0 build -i home/file.las -o shome/test_/

Points inserted: 49,152/Total points: 2,913,766,478

Scanning input
1 / 1: home/files.las
SRS could not be determined

Entwine Version: 2.0.0
EPT Version: 1.0.0
        File: home/file.las
        Total points: 2,913,766,478
        Density estimate (per square unit): 45879.2
        Threads: [3, 5]
        Path: ...
        Data type: laszip
        Hierarchy type: json
        Sleep count: 2,097,152
        Scale: 0.001
        Offset: (-108, -35, 14)
        Bounds: [(-256, -143, -6), (39, 74, 33)]
        Cube: [(-258, -184, -135), (40, 114, 163)]
        Reprojection: (none)
        Storing dimensions: [
                X:int32, Y:int32, Z:int32, Intensity:uint16, ReturnNumber:uint8,
                NumberOfReturns:uint8, ScanDirectionFlag:uint8,
                EdgeOfFlightLine:uint8, Classification:uint8, ScanAngleRank:float,
                UserData:uint8, PointSourceId:uint16, Red:uint16, Green:uint16,
                Blue:uint16, OriginId:uint32
Build parameters:
        Span: 256
        Resolution 2D: 256 * 256 = 65,536
        Resolution 3D: 256 * 256 * 256 = 16,777,216
        Overflow threshold: 32,768

Adding 0 - home/file.las
        Pushes complete - joining...
        Done 0
Reawakened: 0
Saving registry...
Saving metadata...

Index completed in 2 seconds.
Save complete.
        Points inserted: 49,152

Am I missing something ?

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