[pdal] Error converting las files to Entwine

Albion SHABANI albi.dony at hotmail.com
Mon Jun 1 01:08:39 PDT 2020

Hi everyone !

I am converting some las files with Entwine. These point clouds come from a fixed scanner (FARO) (528 scans).

If I want to convert them with entwine build, but I have this error message :
Exception in pool task: During /entwine/ch/ch00000.las: std::bad_alloc
Exception in pool task: During /entwine/ch/ch00003.las: std::bad_alloc ...

I tried to pass them through "pdal translate" hoping that this will write the las files into a good format that entwine accepts.
Becauce with another file I had the error :
- invalid string: ill-formed UTF-8 byte; last read: '"20200519_musigny-1er-081ar_1}'
        - /entwine/Musigny_clean/Musigny_clean00527.las: Failed to analyze: [json.exception.parse_error.101] parse error at line 54, column 52: syntax error while parsing value
And passing the las files through pdal translate with the filter morton_ordered first and then build with entwine subsets 1 to 64 it worked but if I just ran entwine without pdal translate on them it did not !!!

But as strange as it is, for this one it does not work.
I tried to pass them through pdal translate and run entwine build with subset 1 to 16, during the build it stopped at the 4th subset :
Adding 9 - /entwine/morton_ordered/ch00009.las
02:00 - 0% - 5,483,053 - 164(462)M/h - 3W - 14R - 112A
02:10 - 0% - 9,646,201 - 267(1,498)M/h - 76W - 12R - 151A
4/16 exit with error: 0

So, I thought that one of the las files must be corrupted since it stopped, I re-run enwtine build only for that las file (/entwine/morton_ordered/ch00009.las)  where it stopped and it worked !!!

sudo docker run -it -v /home/ubuntu/Desktop/:/entwine connormanning/entwine:2.1 build -i /entwine/morton_ordered/ch00009.las -o /entwine/ch_ept_0009 --tmp /entwine/temp/ --threads 4
Scanning input
1/1: /entwine/morton_ordered/ch00009.las
SRS could not be determined

Entwine Version: 2.1.0
EPT Version: 1.0.0
        File: /entwine/morton_ordered/ch00009.las
        Total points: 11,033,000
        Density estimate (per square unit): 263374
        Threads: [1, 4]
        Path: /entwine/ch_ept_0009/
        Data type: laszip
        Hierarchy type: json
        Sleep count: 2,097,152
        Scale: 0.01
        Offset: (33, 18, 1)
        SRS: (none)
        Bounds: [(29, 14, -2), (37, 22, 4)]
        Cube: [(28, 13, -4), (38, 23, 6)]
        Storing dimensions: [
                X:int32, Y:int32, Z:int32, Intensity:uint16, ReturnNumber:uint8,
                NumberOfReturns:uint8, ScanDirectionFlag:uint8,
                EdgeOfFlightLine:uint8, Classification:uint8, ScanAngleRank:float,
                UserData:uint8, PointSourceId:uint16, GpsTime:double, Red:uint16,
                Green:uint16, Blue:uint16, OriginId:uint32
Build parameters:
        Span: 128
        Resolution 2D: 128 * 128 = 16,384
        Resolution 3D: 128 * 128 * 128 = 2,097,152
        Maximum node size: 65,536
        Minimum node size: 16,384
        Cache size: 64

Adding 0 - /entwine/morton_ordered/ch00009.las
        Pushes complete - joining...
00:10 - 66% - 7,266,304 - 2,615(2,615)M/h - 23W - 0R - 169A
        Done 0
Reawakened: 0
Saving registry...
Saving metadata...

Index completed in 00:19.
Save complete.
        Points inserted: 11,033,000

I really don't understand why this is not working !! I am missing something here !!

Can anybody help me understand why some of the las might not work and if there is anything I can do or should do on the las files before I run them on Entwine.
I am willing to have a private consultation if needed.
Thank you very much for your help
Best regards,
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