[pdal] Beginners help

michael.smith.erdc at gmail.com michael.smith.erdc at gmail.com
Wed Jun 10 14:31:28 PDT 2020

You also don’t even have to use ^. That was just done to make the lines more readable. You can just enter all the command options on one line. 


Michael Smith
US Army Corps

> On Jun 10, 2020, at 5:21 PM, Howard Butler <howard at hobu.co> wrote:
> The \ character is a line continuation on unix. The ^ character is a line continuation on windows. Since your screenshot is windows, you'll want to use ^'s instead of \'s.
> This reminds me we should update the workshop to make this much clearer.
> Howard
>> On Jun 10, 2020, at 4:12 PM, Marcus Conrad <marcusconrad at hotmail.com> wrote:
>> Hi, apologies but I have very limited understanding of coding, command line etc.
>> I am desperately trying to use PDAL to reproject a point cloud form one coordinate system to another. This is a self funded project experimenting with drone data. I am using open source or low cost software and this is the last stage of the workflow.
>> I have followed the instructions for installing Miniconda and PDAL and setting up myenv. I am not sure what exists in an environment as different workshops state downloading pdal into newly set up environments. I am also not sure why I am automatically in C\usr\marcu and how to change this but this is not critical.
>> I have been running basic commands such as pdal info and –metadata so I know it works ok.
>> I wasn’t sure about \ and ^ which appear to be new lines so wasn’t sure how to input this but have used | which seems to work.
>> When I try the exercise in workshop>translation>reprojection
>> pdal translate ./exercises/analysis/ground/CSite1_orig-utm.laz \
>>  ./exercises/translation/csite-dd.laz reprojection \
>>  --filters.reprojection.out_srs="EPSG:4326"
>> I get the error
>> <45301E9B57FA43B690670C90D5D15D0C.png>
>> Eventually I believe I want to use the following:
>> pdal translate \
>> C:\3D\Captured_Photos\Wendron_Pitch4_27_20\Tiff_8bit_exif_nadir\DrnMppr3D\WendronNadSection.las reprojection \
>> --filters.reprojection.in_srs="EPSG:32630" \
>> --filters.reprojection.out_srs="EPSG:7405" \
>> --writers.las.scale_x=0.0000001 \
>> --writers.las.scale_y=0.0000001 \
>> --writers.las.offset_x="auto" \
>> --writers.las.offset_y="auto"
>> With this I get the following error '--filters.reprojection.in_srs' is not recognized as an internal or external command,
>> operable program or batch file.
>> Apologies again for asking basic questions in this forum. I started with the exercise and tutorials but still struggled.
>> Marcus
>> Sent from Mail for Windows 10
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