[pdal] Error Writing VLRS

Nigel Powell npowell at aero-graphics.com
Thu Mar 5 14:15:43 PST 2020

Hi Pdal'ers.
I'm having an issue writing VLRS to a las file using a pipeline.
The interesting thing is that if I cut-n-paste the example from the pdal web site the json file still does not validate...

Any thoughts?

I'm running pdal 2.0.1 on a M$ Windows 10 workstation, install via Anaconda.

Vlrs.json contains the following [cut-n-paste from the web site]
        "vlrs": [{
            "description": "A description under 32 bytes",
            "record_id": 42,
            "user_id": "hobu",
            "data": "dGhpcyBpcyBzb21lIHRleHQ="
            "description": "A description under 32 bytes",
            "record_id": 43,
            "user_id": "hobu",
            "data": "dGhpcyBpcyBzb21lIG1vcmUgdGV4dA=="

Pdal -version
pdal 2.0.1 (git-version: Release)

pdal pipeline vlrs.json --validate
    "error_detail": "JSON pipeline: Invalid value type for option list 'vlrs'.",
    "streamable": false,
    "valid": false

Obviously I'm not trying to write those VLRs into my las file but when my actual pipeline file was throwing an error I tried the example to see what the difference might be.. so it would appear that either the example is wrong/out dated or we have a small undocumented feature in pdal.

Many thanks,
Nigel Powell

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