[pdal] Target Aliged Pixels (tap) for the GDAL driver

Håkon Åmdal hakon at aamdal.com
Thu May 7 13:59:53 PDT 2020

Hi there,

I'm currently working on a LIDAR data project where we classify "high
vegetation" and buildings using PDAL. We convert them to rasters before we
send them downstream.

Now, we are looking to combine the rasters generated with
satellite imagery. For this project, we believe it's important to have an
1:1 mapping between the pixels in the different sources.

To align our satellite images with the underling projection, we use the
"-tap" option in gdalwarp. However, no such feature exists for the
GDAL-writer in PDAL. Which means the pixels are offset by up to half a
meter (for UTM and 1.0 scale).

I think we can overcome the above issue by using PDAL to generate a much
higher resolution TIF file (say 0.1) and then resample with gdalwarp and
the "-tap" option. Or even just keep the resolution, just use gdalwarp to

I was wondering if a similar "-tap" option belongs in PDAL, and how that
would look like? I initially thought it was argument passed to the driver,
but AFAIK the pixel alignment happens before it is passed to the driver. If
I understand it correctly, it would then be an extra option to be passed to
the "writers.gdal" component.

I'd love to contribute, but I'm no C++ developer.

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