[pdal] Target Aliged Pixels (tap) for the GDAL driver

Håkon Åmdal hakon at aamdal.com
Thu May 7 15:08:26 PDT 2020

Let me try that tomorrow. You'll hear from me. Thanks for quick feedback!

On Thu, 7 May 2020 at 17:24, Andrew Bell <andrew.bell.ia at gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi Håkon,
> I know nothing about gdalwarp, but I would think you could get perfect
> alignment by using the bounds option in `writers.gdal`.  Are you having a
> problem despite using this option?
> On Thu, May 7, 2020 at 5:16 PM Håkon Åmdal <hakon at aamdal.com> wrote:
>> Hi there,
>> I'm currently working on a LIDAR data project where we classify "high
>> vegetation" and buildings using PDAL. We convert them to rasters before we
>> send them downstream.
>> Now, we are looking to combine the rasters generated with
>> satellite imagery. For this project, we believe it's important to have an
>> 1:1 mapping between the pixels in the different sources.
>> To align our satellite images with the underling projection, we use the
>> "-tap" option in gdalwarp. However, no such feature exists for the
>> GDAL-writer in PDAL. Which means the pixels are offset by up to half a
>> meter (for UTM and 1.0 scale).
>> I think we can overcome the above issue by using PDAL to generate a much
>> higher resolution TIF file (say 0.1) and then resample with gdalwarp and
>> the "-tap" option. Or even just keep the resolution, just use gdalwarp to
>> resample.
>> I was wondering if a similar "-tap" option belongs in PDAL, and how that
>> would look like? I initially thought it was argument passed to the driver,
>> but AFAIK the pixel alignment happens before it is passed to the driver. If
>> I understand it correctly, it would then be an extra option to be passed to
>> the "writers.gdal" component.
>> I'd love to contribute, but I'm no C++ developer.
>> Håkon
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> --
> Andrew Bell
> andrew.bell.ia at gmail.com
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